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I'm trying to install macOS on my new setup, and I'm really struggling to make it happen.


Right now I'm stuck on the pre-install init screens with a IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleAHCI and IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSMC hang. 



I think possibly I have an incompatible CPU or GPU. 


Could anyone please confirm this? 


CPU: Pentium Gold G6405 10th Gen "comet lake" LGA 1200

GPU: Nitro+ RX580 8gb

Mobo: ROG z490-H

Ram: Corsair RGB RT 16GB (2x8) 3600mhz 


I read that other pentium cpus do not have a compatible igpu, so I tried spoofing the CPUID, (and some other things). But perhaps I've not chosen the right values or installed the right dependency. 


I'm trying to install Monterey. Maybe that's the problem? Or perhaps I haven't mapped the USB port with the install drive properly?


I've been at it for a couple of days now, and I'm not making any progress. And to be honest, I am getting quite confused with the whole thing!


Any help is appreciated. 










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Thanks very much for your reply. I put in your entries, but am still getting the same errors. I think I may need to just upgrade the processor to save the headache, but in case the problem is obvious to somebody on here I'll post my some of my config.plist below and attach it. (I admit, I don't really understand Opencore, and this is sort of a blind Frankenstein-ing of many guides).




6 minutes ago, Spckyactnfrmadstnce said:

Thanks very much for your reply. I put in your entries, but am still getting the same errors. I think I may need to just upgrade the processor to save the headache, but in case the problem is obvious to somebody on here I'll post my some of my config.plist below and attach it. (I admit, I don't really understand Opencore, and this is sort of a blind Frankenstein-ing of many guides).



config.plist 36.34 kB · 0 downloads

Oh gees... I just realised I didn't input your entries properly (Facepalm). I'll amend that.

Úpdate: I realised I made some other critical errors so I'm scrapping this build and starting again. Mods, feel free to delete this thread. Tecnicaso Rico, thanks very much for your advise - good info for moving forward (or back, as the case may be).

Hello again. I'm still at it. And have another question. Perhaps I should make a new thread for this, but, I'll just post it here as it's in context...


I'm enclined to start the new build by making it as close to vanilla OC as possible. And not change to many entries in the EFI - So I'm trying to make the RX580 work Out of the Box on a iMac 20,1 SMBios.  

One of the problems I'm having (with a ''basic' OC EFI setting) is the Black Screen on boot with dGPU and no iGPU. (eg no boot picker). As it's a second hand RX580 and it was used for mining, I've assumed the last owner had put CFW on it, and I've reflashed it with stock firmware. Still Black Screen on Boot. 

I've done some reading, and am about to try this GOP update guide (https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/amd-and-nvidia-gop-update-no-requests-diy/30917) in an attempt to fix the problem, but before I do this, I'd like to ask:


Do I need to force the "RX 580 Pulse" firmware first (before I update the GOP) onto the card for "Out of the Box' compatibility? I've read on another forum that the Pulse variant is the only true compatible one with MacOS, but it's and old thread, and I'm reluctant to put this firmware on due to Windows signing issues, and I'd prefer not to have to hit the Dual Bios switch every time I want to use Windows (as I understand might be the case with this firmware). (thread here:https://egpu.io/forums/mac-setup/guide-radeon-rx-580-identification-is-macos/)



Edited by Spckyactnfrmadstnce
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