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I have a Surface Pro 6 (128GB) and got Mojave working beautifully. It worked for at least 3 Month without any problems. 


Now for no reason i get stuck at boot at the plus line.


I remembered that I hat saved the data of the EFI partition (with all clover settings etc) and I had a full backup of the system. 


I deleted everything. Created all new from scratch. Copied the Efi Partition Data back to the new efi partition, created a mojave usb boot stick ... etc. 


So now whatever I do, I get stuck at the plus line. I tried everything.  Different versions of clover (even older ones where i can boot without kernel caches and/or injected kext) Differren USB Setups of Mojave and also Catalina .. Tried to disable different drivers in Drivers64 etc..


Nothing lets me get past the plus line.. I am going to think that something is wrong with my surface pro 6 itself. Because I tried every variant that normally worked but now its like something in BIOS is set the wrong way or whatever keeps me stuck at ++++++++++++++++


Please Help!


kind regards 


Edited by TommyX235

----------- I added some pictures of the log while booting with DEBUG -----------------

Maybe this will help you help me find out why it is so stubborn and wont boot.... I get stuck at waiting 5 sek. The images are not in order .. sry



PLEASE HELP! I have NO Idea why it wont boot anymore... I tried everything I can think of. Even delete the kernel cache file on the install media. 

I tried different versions of clover and all kinds of driver combinations. But I know for sure that the clover i backuped worked flawlessly. 

So I am nearly sure that something else is "broken" with my surface pro.. EFI Manager?! I dont know ... It sucks .... 






  • 3 months later...



Try this Clover folder from Olarila Forum.





Just copy/paste the folder. And always clear your NVRam at the Clover GUI after trying new versions of Clover - F11 key 😉


And at last but not less important, look:


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