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On 1/23/2024 at 6:07 PM, espanico said:

Hi were you able to install sonoma ?

Sorry, I am not very active in the hackintoshing scene so sorry for the very long delay in response. I was able to install it, without much pain, the problem is that on Sonoma the BCM94360 is not supported anymore, so it is unusable for me. There are ways to enable it again using the kexts from Ventura, but you have to disable SIP and if I remember correctly FileVault too, so that was enough for me to stop. I was not really interested in Sonoma from the starts so I just lost the interest and did not hassle with it. Ventura is good enough for me.


@Ravenstein When I first bought the laptop I did have issues like you. What I did is replace the Thermal paste on the CPU with a better quality one. After that, the CPU temp was really good even after many years, maxing at 80 when there is a heavy duty. When I use it normally (without ext monitors, and just browsing) the fan isn't even running. 

bluetoothd eating 300 is certainly not a good thing, USB Port mapping is one thing I can think of first, if it's not correct then this could happen. I did not experience such issues. 


I am using 1 external monitor over USB-C with 2560x1440@60hz and 1 at 1080p@60 over HDMI, my experience is that the WindowServer on macOS is not very good dealing with external monitors. It's good for generic things like browsing the net, but for example if I start doing heavy things like compiling, listening to music over Bluetooth and watching videos on the external monitor the laptop start struggling really hard, but only when it's connected to the External monitors. I think this is just a limitation of the internal HD 620 and a bad way of handling the external monitors OS side.


Right now I am listening a music on YouTube with AirPods (running on the Internal monitor), writing this post on the Main monitor, and have a Terminal opened on the 3rd monitor and this is enough for the WindowServer to have 50% of CPU


Also Safari is very I mean... very resource hungry, and in my experience is really slow. I think I'm gonna change to another browser, sadly, because I like to use it because of the integration with my iPhone, but with the slowness it has (for years now) it starts getting on my nerves.

Other things are iCloud services which are revving up the fans like hell, when those are running the whole laptop is unusable and I have to wait for them to finish their "things"

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