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Hello friends, I have a curious problem.


Since I set up my Hackintosh in October of last year I'm having a strange problem when I use AppleALC.

Although the sound works perfectly, the screen flashes randomly, as if disconnecting the HDMI cable and reconnecting.


I put the video below as an example.


My system works everything perfectly. 4K, Sleep, DRM, etc. Every time I install AppleALC, the screen will blink randomly.


What I've tried so far:

- Replace HDMI cable;

- Tried another HDMI port;

- Tried another monitor;

- Use older versions of AppleALC;

- Started without WhateverGreen;

- Started without graphics acceleration;

- Tried others layout-ids;

- Tested in High Sierra (same issue);

- Compiled Lilu.kext and AppleALC.kext from Sources;


I also appended the report of my system.


My configuration:

- Display: Phillips 288P6L 28" 4K

- Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z370N-WIFI

- Processor: Intel i7 8700K

- Storage: 500GB NVME Samsung 970

- RAM: 32GB DDR4 2400Mhz



[System reporting] https://cv.ludufre.com/debug_24566.zip


(It happens at 15 seconds. Note that the screen flashes green quickly)



Edited by ludufre
1 hour ago, millusions said:

try DP


i tend to use HDMI as last resort, it looks a lot better with DP or DVI on hacks/macs


I guess I was not clear. I have HDMI sound working with AppleALC. The problem is that the screen randomly gives these bugs. (see video).

Today I realized that this happens only with HDMI 2.0 with my 4K monitor.

The second HDMI port connected on a 1080p TV does not happen this ...


If it's worth anything, in Windows this does not happen.


I am currently using VoodooHDA to be able to use my PC on a daily basis.

@Allan yeap. My 4K works perfectly. The graphics issues is only with AppleALC. With VoodooHDA it's fine.




I'm using Macmini8,1 profile, so I can get 4k without Device Properties too.


Now I'm patching the vanilla AppleHDA with AppleHDA Patcher 1.9.2 (aDummy.kext + KextToPatchs). Already make the onboard sound work without graphics issues. Now I need to make the HDMI work...


[EDIT] To be clear. I'm not satisfied with VoodooHDA because the sound gets too low, have to use PrefPane and the microphone does not work ... So now I started doing the old method (aDummy.kext + Kext) to get rid of graphics issues...

Edited by ludufre

No, the only patches I have are:







And only these SSDTs for USBInjectAll:





I've tried these SSDTs too unsuccessfully:



from Toleda.


If Maldon was able to fix my DSDT for HDMI to work with aDummy.kext I would be very grateful.


On 6/8/2019 at 4:42 PM, ludufre said:



1 hour ago, MaLd0n said:

Replace full efi, reboot


Same thing with AppleALC. See video: (At begin and at 30 seconds)




1 hour ago, MaLd0n said:

why u use kexts in system folder?


I saw in several places that custom Kexts have to be in /Library/Extensions, so I put all there and run this:


sudo chmod -R 755 /Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R root:wheel /Library/Extensions/
sudo kextcache -i / 


Some news:


11 hours ago, ludufre said:

Now I'm patching the vanilla AppleHDA with AppleHDA Patcher 1.9.2 (aDummy.kext + KextToPatchs). Already make the onboard sound work without graphics issues. Now I need to make the HDMI work...


Since yesterday I'm using the AppleHDA Patcher guide, using the aDummy.kext + Device Properties 0x1f, 0x3 + config.plist - KextsToPatch method.


I found that to work on Mojave I needed an additional patch 70A1 -> F0A2. With this I finished yesterday with sound working without using VoodooHDA or AppleALC, only with the native Kext. But no HDMI.




Today I realized that the entry "hda-gfx: onboard-1" in IGPU was missing. I added and I also got the HDMI audio to work, HOWEVER, I immediately had exactly the same problems as when using AppleALC. The screen flashing/blinking with green artifacts as I showed in the two Youtube videos above.


So far the only one that works without this bugs with the video was VoodooHDA, I think I'll have to settle for it and the lack of the microphone.


@MaLd0n Sou brasileiro também, se preferir posso explicar melhor em Português por DM o que está acontecendo e o que eu fiz até agora pra tentar resolver. Inglês não é meu forte e pode parecer confuso.

7 hours ago, ludufre said:


@MaLd0n Sou brasileiro também, se preferir posso explicar melhor em Português por DM o que está acontecendo e o que eu fiz até agora pra tentar resolver. Inglês não é meu forte e pode parecer confuso.

BLZ, me manda via PM

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