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i messed up my osx86 hdd structure and now the damn thing won't boot.. even worse i can't use MacDrive to access the files i had on it.. i've been looking for a way to recover the files stored onto the HFS hdd but all i came across were demos of applications that would only let me view the files not extract them unless i bought the software..

If any of you know of any free solution to this.. please help

Are you going to get rid of osx86 or are you going to install it again. I do believe that you can install osx over to and still retain the files that reside there. Just dont erase the drive. If possible could you give us a little more info on how you messed up the drive and exactly whaat it is doing

about how i managed to trash the hdd.. i'm not entirely sure.. as i was away from home when it happened.. my room mate unplugged the machine and i was getting some bad sector errors when i attempted to boot into mac.. [i do believe reinstalling without a format won't work] so i went and booted win and removed all the 'useless stuff' like mac applications and such on the hdd then suddenly MacDrive wasn't able to read it properly.. [that was a bad idea] now i want to recover some pictures music and some SpongeBob SquarePants episodes..


currently using R-Studio 3.0 as instructed.. it's doing something [scanning].. will let you know on the results

okay so R-Studio 3.0 finished scanning.. and it found my files.. but they are all renamed using numbers.. and categorized by file type.. this sucks.. and is only of partial help to me as i'll probably need to rewrite the names and tags for some hundreds of files.. HFS+ isn't fully supported by it either..


Any other suggestions?.. perhaps i'm missing something in the use of the application..

I just found out.. that recovering files via R-Studio 3.0 dosen't do me any good at all.. as the files found do not get transferred as thy should.. the videos are trimmed severely and contain errors and such..


So i'm open to different ideas.. any other way i can go about this...

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