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I have setup my hackintosh using the vanilla install method (Clover + Clover Configurator).

My hardware is the following:


i7 8700

H370 Aorus Gaming 3 (non-Wifi version)

Radeon RX 560

32gb corsair ram

970 EVO 500gb


I loaded optimised defaults in my BIOS and changed:

- Vt-d --> disabled

- Graphics --> PICE Slot 1

- Intel Graphics --> enabled (for preview and quicklook)

- XHCI Handoff --> enabled

- Network stack --> disabled 


I used the following kexts:

- Lilu

- WhateverGreen

- FakeSMC

- USBInjectAll

(and the sensor kexts)


Everything booted up perfectly, I was able to install Mojave 10.14.2 and it boots just fine. Restarts and Shutdowns however display a kernel panic that says: "Uninterruptible Processor(s), unresponsive cpu bitmap..."

When I put the computer to sleep, I can wake it within about a minute, but anything longer than that will not allow me to wake it. I am using a TV connected to HDMI (on the RX560 board) so I don't know if the sleep issue may be related to that (maybe a proper monitor via DP will wake the computer?)


I have tried some of the fixes presented in these forums and others but to no success. If anyone has any ideas, I would be very appreciative - thank you!


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