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AMD Athlon X4 631


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On 9/15/2018 at 3:33 AM, pico joe said:


Thank you very much, I installed it!

Now I have only a small problem linked (I think) to the HD 6670 video card.

I believe that the QE / CI is active, but sometimes it seems that it is not. Known slowdowns, especially with browsers or video in fullscreen..


What can I try? My gpu is: ULTIMATE HD 6670 1G D5 (http://www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?Pid=9FAA976F-88E8-492A-96A9-AD99E6F5EF59&tag=download&lang=eng)




p.s. I've used -f AtiPorts=3 AtiConfig=Pithecia GraphicsEnabler=Yes npci=0x2000


Edited by bobso
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24 minutes ago, pico joe said:

Are U still boot with -f ?

build cache with kextutility and restart - boot without -f

which smbios are u using

for GTX 750 try boot with PCIRootUID=1 



Without -f i can't reach desktop..


I think I've an issue with CPU or kernel because I've stucks, lags and freeze with all GPU (gt210, HD 6670 and gtx 750ti)..

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On 27 settembre 2018 at 12:53 PM, pico joe said:

Are U still boot with -f ?

build cache with kextutility and restart - boot without -f

which smbios are u using

for GTX 750 try boot with PCIRootUID=1 



Hi, I've done a fresh install from YosemiteAMD, but I haven't install enoch boot loader..

what do you advise me to do?

Edited by bobso
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maybe I have not installed/inject them well, but lilu + whatevergreen I do not see them working..


However, the GPU has ID 0x6758 and I see that QE / CI is active, but the graphics seem to be moving sloooooooowly.

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51 minutes ago, pico joe said:

try using smbios iMac 13.2 and in clover config, inject ati then choose LOTUS in framebuffer

I get same results:


[IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed

Controller: ATI RV930 (vendor ID: 1002, device ID: aa90)

Controller: Generic (vendor ID: 1022, device ID: 780d)

Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 464

Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 413

Built-in decrypter used

** GPU Hardware VM is disabled (multispace: disabled, page table updates with DMA: disabled)

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Well, some news.


I've changed kernel with 10.10.5_SSEPlus_V3 (with kext of 10.10.5_SSEPlus_V2) and now I see that the system is as fast as a splinter!

In fact, I see that the time (known by the seconds) is very fast! That is, in a second real, correspond to 4 seconds on the mac! How can I solve?




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On 9/8/2018 at 8:35 AM, bobso said:

- AMD Athlon X4 631

- ASRock A75M-HVS (link)

- AMD HD 6670

- 8GB DDR3

- 250GB HDD



For this build, I've used YosemiteAMD (follow this link).

1) Install from YosemiteAMD (from pendrive)

2) Restart and boot YosemiteAMD (from pendrive) and copy kernel, kext and extra folder, delete prelinkedkernel, kextcache (by terminal)

3) Boot Hard Disk with Yosemite from USB bootloader

4) Update your Yosemite from AppStore

5) Boot YosemiteAMD (from pendrive) and copy kernel, delete prelinkedkernel, kextcache (by terminal)

6) Boot Hard Disk with Yosemite from USB bootloader

7) Install enoch (you can find it in YosemiteAMD pendrive)

8) Edit org.chameleon.Boot.plist with this flags:


npci=0x2000 AtiPorts=3 AtiConfig=Pithecia busratio=26


As for YouTube videos at 1080p, I solved by installing Chrome.

Sleep is working very well!


Thanks for support!!

Edited by bobso
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