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Nvidia : Tv and Lcd Inverted + Screen in Portrait (not landscape)


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I ve just tried Natit. It works great on my Geforce 6600T.

The main problem i have is this one:

The main screen in osx is my TV (S-video)

The second screen in osx is my pc lcd screen (DVI).

I don't use the VGA output.


How to invert to make my pc lcd screen the main screen in osx?


Update :

- Problem for swapping main/second display resolved : read here after in the replies.


- Here is my situation :

I use the last version of Natit (version on its website)

In all cases, i don't have mirroring, just desktop extension.

=> Putting monitor on DVI + tv on S VIDEO : the resolutions being backward w/ inverted monitor on the DVI. TV is OK

=> Putting monitor on VGA + tv on S VIDEO : it's ok for monitor and TV. Just I have no mirroring


If you have a full compatibility with nvidia, give me your tips. thanks

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Guest bikedude880

Go to System Preferences -> Displays. In there you should see the option called "Rearrange" or something to that effect. Drag the grey bar from the faux display in the preferences to the other display. Everything should just slide on over.

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I have the exact same problem on my NVidia GeForce 6600 w/ my TV and LCD flat screen monitor...the resolutions being backward w/ inverted monitor screen and the main & secondary displays being swapped. The only difference between my setup and yours is I'm using VGA output from the video card.

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Guest bikedude880

I had that problem also. Sadly I don't remember how I fixed it. Try a different version, delete Extensions.kextcache/mkext, and reboot.

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Yeah. It works now with the last version on nati too.


The only main problem : how to activate mirroring with nvidia cards....


Can you point me to the version of Natit that you used? Did you modify the Info.plist to add your EDID also? If so, what did you use for your EDID from your TV?

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