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Hi everyone


I've been having the worst luck trying to get my hackintosh up and running.


I have Sierra installed on VMWare in order to create the USB bootloader. At the first step of erasing the USB drive, under Disk Utility, there is no option to select the volume scheme. The list is just not there. So if i erase the USB (format Extended (Journaled) I see it's created it as a HFS+ volume.


How important is the step of creating a GUID partition table? I'm assuming it's a must as the USB bootloader ends up with a "missing operating system" error



You can use terminal and diskutil command to erase the USB disk.


Open terminal and type these commands:

diskutil list

identify your USB disk and type:

diskutil eraseDisk HFS+ Untitled diskX

X stands for your USB disk identifier 


then you can create a macOS installer disk with these command. You need to have "Install macOS Sierra" present in the "Applications" folder

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ 10.13\ Beta.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ 10.13\ Beta.app —nointeraction

​this command will work for creating the macOS Sierra bootable disk. (at this point the disk is only bootable for Apple computers)


Once the USB disk is created you need to instal Clover EFI Bootloader on the USB disk to make it bootable for PCs.


Please update your signature with your hardware specs so people can help you easier.


Good luck

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