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while trying todo a 1st boot on a amd machine i miss a prelinkedkernel that actually boots and allow me to install/recover Mac OS X.


the attach can be used as a rescue/install tool (tested on 10.12.5)


move both folders to the '/' folder of a hfs partition (clover should detected it at boot)


place original BaseSystem.dmg from OS X installer in 'com.apple.recovery.boot' folder if u need to boot in rescue mode


if need to use the OS X installer:

- place original BaseSystem.dmg inside 'macOS Install Data' folder 

- in 'com.apple.recovery.boot' folder restore original BaseSystem.dmg to a new dmg file (7 GB), copy packages folder from InstallESD.dmg to System/Installation.

- u can also add the mbr patch if u like mbr partition scheme (check forum).



Some files are hidden by default - make sure u can see them with Finder show files script


btw the rescue image is also a good way to test new kernels (after u build the prelinkedkernel ofc)


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