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Blank Screen after boot :


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I was succesfully able to install JaS 10.4.6 on my pc and it was very much up and running

but after few restarts the system went mad and i get this screen at startup (shown below)

hd(0,1) c ocx is my primary drive but when i select the drive, the system start loading HFS+ files and then screen goes blank and computer restarts itself after few seconds

I've tried to reinstall and repartition the drive

then a fresh reinstall but the problem's still the same

any suggestion guys?


any help will be very appreciated!



Addition: the system is loading the kext files and then reboots :S

cant find anything useful in search :S



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I had the same problem on 2 motherboards and was literally going mad!


I solved the problem in the weirdest of ways....


On the MoBo, set the jumper to give USB power to keyboard (each MoBo calls it something different, but if you look in your manual that jumper is disabled, and you should enable it). This, in the manual, will state that it will give extra power so KBD can wake PC.


Next, go in to your bios and enable something called ... oh I forget now because I'm at work ... but in the CPU settings it's called something like Max CPUID Value Limit, and another one called No-Excute Memory Protection or something or other. In any event, you will see a few of these options disabled by default. Enable them and start from there.


If all goes well, you can leave as is or try to disable one, and then the other. By process of elimination you'll figure it out.


BTW -- you don't have to reinstall, so this whole process should take you about 3-4 minutes.


From one noob to another -- hope this helps!



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m using a notbook

and its kinda weird for me changing jumpers in notbook :S


Try skipping this step (it's probably enabled because of the existing power management capabilities of a notebook, but still go in to bios and look at the other settings.


...it's worth a try.

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