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Hi guys,

Need help installing Sierra. The following are the specs :

- Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 3Ghz

- HP Intel 441449-001 motherboard

- Gigabyte GT240


- Seagate 500GB 7200 HDD

I tried booting from installer but endup with a kernel panic. Tried all these boot flags(kext-dev-mode=1 acpi=off GraphicsEnabler=No PCIRootUID=1 -v -x) in all combinations but it didn't work. I have attached a picture of the kernel panic below.



I have added the PS2 controllers(ApplePS2Controller.kext&AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext) from my El Capitan build or since my keyboard is PS/2. I have VoodooPS2Controller too, but it doesn't seem to work for me.I'll try replacing the PS2 kext and post.

Sorry for not mentioning the method. I tried mentioning the method I used with the app name and I got banned on tonymac, I was afraid I might get banned here too.So, I tried Initially with Macpwn and today with Unibst 7.0.1. Bootloader is clover which I guess must be the legacy version since I have Non-UEFI BIOS. I just added MBR patch and tried booting.Actually I did the exact same thing for El Capitan without any additional stuff for booting and it worked right away. So, with Unibst and the default flags dart=0 nvda_disable=1(was already present I didn't add those) it booted fine until after a while it showed still waiting for root device  and the prohibitory logo came up.

Sorry for asking, but how do you disable SIP?Does it need Recovery partition?Also can I plug my HDD to my Macbook Air and install Sierra on it and then later attach it to my PC? My old build used to install everything right away without much hassle, switched to this HP xw4600 now and troubles started. :D. Guess I just started true hackintoshing!!

Finally !!! I have got El Capitan running on HP xw4600 :) . The biggest issue was getting it booted up. When I tried to boot from the installer it wouldn't detect the  installer. So, made a boot device(clover) with BootDiskUtility and was finally able to boot El Capitan and I have it currently installer. Now trying to get sierra to boot. It does boot up fine but after some time the still waiting for root issue comes up and the circle with closed symbol. It seems to be a USB or SATA issue.Haven't been able to figure it out yet. Gonna try RehabMans USBinject and see.

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