jalavoui Posted May 18, 2016 Share Posted May 18, 2016 Panic debug procedure: To debug the kernel/kext u need an Apple ethernet driver installed on the machine u're debugging (machine1) Then u can connect that machine to a router using a ethernet cable Boot the machine1 with flags -v keepsyms=1 pmuflags=1 debug=0x144 kdp_match_name=en1 The flag kcsuffix=debug will load the kernel.debug Booting without caches might help load the eth driver b4 other kexts. Replace en1 with ethernet card name (open a console and type ifconfig to check) On a 2nd machine (i used wifi to connect to the network) open a console and type "lldb" After machine1 boots to desktop press the magic keys: cmd+option+alt+shift+esc on my pc this is ctrl+windows key+alt+shift+esc U will see on screen a line with ip address (e.g and a w8 4 debugger attach msg Go back to machine2 and on lldb type kdb-remote (u entered kernel debug mode) if u got no kernel panic type c to unlock machine1 back u can redo this as need The above procedure can be done using a firewire cable, etc with some changes. Al this is now obsolete - welcome to xcode kernel debug. Debuging a kext on a remote kernel using the Xcode GUI This is a panic catch when loading brcm4360 Howto (using the root account) - Backup The existing Xcode LLDB framework and replace with the attached. - Unzip lldbinit. In terminal copy to /var/root. Edit and change the ip address. In terminal type "cp lldbinit .lldbinit" - Extract kdp.zip. It's a xcode project. Edit the xxx.xcscheme and change kernel path if need. - Open the Xcode project - Press Run if u get a kernel panic or if u used the kernel magic keys on the remote system. LLDB patch SBTarget::Launch (SBLaunchInfo &sb_launch_info, SBError& error) { (...) if (arch_spec.IsValid()) launch_info.GetArchitecture () = arch_spec; SBCommandInterpreter interp = GetDebugger().GetCommandInterpreter(); SBCommandReturnObject result; interp.SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(result); sb_process.SetSP(GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSP()); //error.SetError (target_sp->Launch (launch_info, NULL)); //sb_process.SetSP(target_sp->GetProcessSP()); } else { error.SetErrorString ("SBTarget is invalid"); (...) int PrivateResumeC=0; Error Process::ConnectRemote (Stream *strm, const char *remote_url) { m_abi_sp.reset(); m_process_input_reader.reset(); // Find the process and its architecture. Make sure it matches the architecture // of the current Target, and if not adjust it. //SetPublicState (eStateStopped, false); PrivateResumeC=0; Error error (DoConnectRemote (strm, remote_url)); (...) Error Process::PrivateResume () { if (!PrivateResumeC) { PrivateResumeC=1; SetPrivateState(eStateRunning); SetPrivateState(eStateStopped); return Error("Process is not running."); } Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS|LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP)); TODO: Write a xcode.plugin/patch 4 original lldb framework. This driver works on OS X 10.11.4 , tested on 1 AMD and 1 Intel cpus with a RTL8168 card. The patch was trivial - skip a basic hadrware probe check in code. Might work on other cards. Can be used as a normal eth driver or to allow debuging the kernel and most important new kexts. AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext.zip LLDB.framework.zip kdp.zip lldbinit.zip 3 Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312254-realtek-ethernet-panic-debug-driver-using-xcode-ui/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
jalavoui Posted April 1, 2017 Author Share Posted April 1, 2017 Howto catch a opcode during kernel boot or after you load a driver u can get this Apr 1 17:50:57 localhost kernel[0]: invalid kernel opcode (64-bit): 96 e0 10 00 80 ff ff ff 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Apr 1 17:50:57 localhost kernel[0]: invalid kernel opcode (64-bit): 96 e0 10 00 80 ff ff ff 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Apr 1 17:50:57 localhost kernel[0]: invalid kernel opcode (64-bit): 96 e0 10 00 80 ff ff ff 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Apr 1 17:50:58 localhost kernel[0]: invalid kernel opcode (64-bit): 96 e0 10 00 80 ff ff ff 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 the address in this case is ff ff ff + 80 00 10 e0 96 so in xcode after u use the magic keys to enter debug mode u type break 0xffffff800010e096 then u can resume the process (type c) the debugger will stop on the right function and show where the opcode bug is. if u use the kernel source code (or other apple source code) u get a very good trace of the opcode. To debug a graphic driver on the AMD7000 if u get a bug u can easily trace it using opcodes cause the driver breaks and u can catch it on logs AMD8000,9000 don't have this behavior - they just exit silently - this make debugging much harder more soon 3 Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312254-realtek-ethernet-panic-debug-driver-using-xcode-ui/#findComment-2396700 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocky12 Posted May 20, 2017 Share Posted May 20, 2017 Great news really appreciate your help and support Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312254-realtek-ethernet-panic-debug-driver-using-xcode-ui/#findComment-2428445 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hackaudio Posted August 28, 2017 Share Posted August 28, 2017 Panic debug procedure: To debug the kernel/kext u need an Apple ethernet driver installed on the mau're debugging (machine1) What do you mean `Apple ethernet driver'? Does debug kernel need specific hardware? $ ls -l /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns total 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:44 AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:43 AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:44 AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:49 AppleVmxnet3Ethernet.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:43 AppleYukon2.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:35 IOEthernetAVBController.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:43 Intel82574L.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:35 mDNSOffloadUserClient.kext drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 4 15 07:52 nvenet.kext Is it possible to debug kernel panic which happen on a Hackintosh? reference: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_17760389.html Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312254-realtek-ethernet-panic-debug-driver-using-xcode-ui/#findComment-2485996 Share on other sites More sharing options...
kocoman Posted May 22, 2022 Share Posted May 22, 2022 does this driver work with catlina etc? Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/312254-realtek-ethernet-panic-debug-driver-using-xcode-ui/#findComment-2782689 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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