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I also uploaded patched AirPortAtheros40.kext for AR9462 MacRev 2.


DW1901 (pci168c,34)


Tested and working on Dell studio 1535 on macOS 10.12 (16A323).


You can give it a try to see if it works on your system...






  • Like 5

@chunnan very nice, the kext does work (even on a cold boot) on AR9462 on macOS Sierra. Something interesting I noticed, however is that it frequently either disconnects or switches bands...


I'll check the ucodes on my end and see what patches you've made to see if I can try fixing it any way I can :)

  • Like 1

apple code is very old but still some patches can be done

This can be changed in (btw original code as a little hack from apple):

Just curious the code in post#1 are original source code from apple? Does apple release wireless card driver on its opensource site?


Or post#1 code are disassemble from airport*.kext binary?

@chunnann great work. I'm trying your modified kext for the AR9462, the v1 and the v2. I've noticed something: with the v1 I have a non-stable connection with my router but I have very low CPU consumption; with the v2 I have a very good and stable connection with my router but I have very high CPU consumption. I can say this because I have a lot of P-States for my CPU (Intel i7-6500U) and when I try the v2 I see the Intel Power Gadget showing always the MAX frequency (the last P-State non turbo) and high Watt usage (7-12W and my CPU TDP is 15W). Of course I’ve done some testing with everything closed etc, the results are repeatable. Thanks again for your work.

EDIT: The issue of the high CPU usage of the v2 it is occurring only when it is connected to a network. If there is no connection but the Wi-Fi is on and searching/connecting to a network the CPU usage is normal. The version of OS X is 10.12.4 and the kext AirPortAtheros40 is "installed" manually in IO80211Family (/S/L/E) under Plugins.

  • Like 1

Hi @chunnann really great work. I'm trying to use your AR9565 patch, but seems that is not working.


This is the Hardware Information about my Wireless Card: https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Dell_Wireless_1707_(DW1707)


I tried your AirPortAtheros Kext, but didn't worked (I removed the IO8..Family) actually the Wifi Icon said "Not Hardware Found"


Can you give a check for me?


Observation.: The v3 Kext from OP works only wireless but with really slow download rate at 0.8mb/s, and with constantly drops. Bluetooth icon appears but doesn't works and cannot turn it off.

  • Like 1



Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out why TX Rate is limited to 11Mbps maximum yet...




I just uploaded AR946X.v3.zip. You can give it a try to see if it works better...




Are you on 10.12.x (macOS Sierra)?  If so, are you using the stock IO80211Family.kext?



Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out why TX Rate is limited to 11Mbps maximum yet...




I just uploaded AR946X.v3.zip. You can give it a try to see if it works better...




Are you on 10.12.x (macOS Sierra)?  If so, are you using the stock IO80211Family.kext?


OS X 10.12.0

I'm not using stock IO80211Family.kext, does I need to use?


Obs.: Your attachments doesn't open.

OS X 10.12.0

I'm not using stock IO80211Family.kext, does I need to use?


Obs.: Your attachments doesn't open.


Yes.  Please restore related files you changed to the stock ones.


I have uploaded the files again.  It should work now...

  • Like 1

Yes.  Please restore related files you changed to the stock ones.


I have uploaded the files again.  It should work now...


Thanks! Will give a try.


Also, this is only for Wifi, not for Bluetooth yeah? Or I need remove the BTFirmwareUploader.kext?

@chunnan I tried, but didn't worked.




Does you want more detailed data?


On kextstat seems that neither IO80211Family.kext and AirPortAtheros40.kext isn't being loaded.


Need to install on /S/L/E?

@chunnan see what happens on clearing kext cache

Claudios-MacBook-Pro:~ santoro$ sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions/ && sudo kextcache -u /
AMDRadeonX3000.kext has no Info.plist file.
AMDRadeonX3000.kext has no Info.plist file.
AMDRadeonX3000.kext has no Info.plist file.
AMDRadeonX3000.kext has no Info.plist file.
AMDRadeonX3000.kext has no Info.plist file.
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext FakeSMC.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext VoodooPS2Mouse.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67030 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA2A for kext AirPortAtheros40.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext IntelBacklight.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext HoRNDIS.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67062 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0A for kext CodecCommander.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67030 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA2A for kext AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67061 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0B for kext AppleHDA.kext
kxld[com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family]: The following symbols are unresolved for this kext:
kxld[com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family]:  CCIOReporterLogStream::removeSubscription(unsigned long long)
kxld[com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family]:  CCIOReporterLogStream::mergeSubscriptionsIntoNewSubscription(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long*)
kxld[com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family]:  CCIOReporterDataStream::createIOReporterRawDataForSubscription(unsigned long long)
kxld[com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family]:  CCIOReporterDataStream::createIOReporterInterestArrayForSubscription(unsigned long long)
Link failed (error code 5).
Prelink failed for com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family; omitting from prelinked kernel.
Can't use IO80211Family.kext - not linked.
Prelink failed for com.apple.driver.AirPort.Atheros40; omitting from prelinked kernel.
KernelCache ID: C4C4224211F7B19F4001CE674A9F687B
symlink("/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel", "/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache") failed 17 (File exists) <createPrelinkedKernel 2795>



Yes, please install those files on S/L/E.


In addition, if you replaced corecapture.kext and CoreCaptureResponder.kext before, please restore both files to the stock ones.  Any files from 10.11.x need to be restored back to the stock 10.12.x files...


BTW, I believe you still need BTFirmwareUploader.kext to make bluetooth work.



Yes, please install those files on S/L/E.


In addition, if you replaced corecapture.kext and CoreCaptureResponder.kext before, please restore both files to the stock ones.  Any files from 10.11.x need to be restored back to the stock 10.12.x files...


BTW, I believe you still need BTFirmwareUploader.kext to make bluetooth work.

On my installation i'm only finding corecapture.kext, can you send me CoreCaptureResponder.kext?


EDIT: I think I found it.


EDIT2: Does I need remove IO80211FamilyV2.kext?

@chunnann I've just tried the v3 but the CPU consumption problem remain. See this screenshot:


the pick to the 4W is when the Wi-FI is connecting, after that the Wi-Fi is connected and it remains at 3ghz with very high CPU consumption. Also you can see that before the activation of the Wi-Fi the CPU was doing nothing so there is no other process other that drivers themselves.

@chunnan replacing stock corecapture, etc. worked like a charm.


Bluetooth still doesn't work, only Bluetooth icon appears but can't turn it off or list any device/add any device.


If you know any solution for Bluetooth I will be glad. Maybe need to patch something on DSDT's?


The Wireless speed on the tested network Download: 4mb/s, upload 6mb/s.


Lot more stable.

@ovflowd the bluetooth have nothing to do with atheros Wi-Fi drivers specifically "AirPortAtheros40" have only Wi-Fi functions. You need to search for bluetooth kext. If you have as bluetooth the AR3011 maybe you can find something. If you have the AR3012 like me...well I've directly delected every kext that say "bluetooth" in the name(in S/L/E) so that the bluetooth doesn't consume battery. My bluetooth can search but cannot connect so I've disabled it.

@ovflowd the bluetooth have nothing to do with atheros Wi-Fi drivers specifically "AirPortAtheros40" have only Wi-Fi functions. You need to search for bluetooth kext. If you have as bluetooth the AR3011 maybe you can find something. If you have the AR3012 like me...well I've directly delected every kext that say "bluetooth" in the name(in S/L/E) so that the bluetooth doesn't consume battery. My bluetooth can search but cannot connect so I've disabled it.

I see, I will give a search for "AR3011", but I'm not sure which is. My Wireless + Bluetooth card is Dell Wireless 1707. (https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Dell_Wireless_1707_(DW1707))


More details here.: https://www.parts-people.com/index.php?action=item&id=17012


If you can discover which card Dell Wireless 1707 uses for bluetooth inside the Wireless, would be awesome.


@chunnan if you have any clues or anyone else have any clues feel free to share.

for the bluetooth you can use Windows or 3-rd part software to know your exactly vendor and device id of the bluetooth, then you can search it and know the name of the bluetooth chip. I found mine with a well know software for Windows that can give you the information you need, I don't know if I can write the name here.

for the bluetooth you can use Windows or 3-rd part software to know your exactly vendor and device id of the bluetooth, then you can search it and know the name of the bluetooth chip. I found mine with a well know software for Windows that can give you the information you need, I don't know if I can write the name here.

I would be glad for that. But I can use Linux Live CD too for it, yeah?

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