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I think yes.. Will test in 10 minutes and tell you!

Im reinstalling os, i should add nvda_drv=1 with official video driver or only When i install webdriver? Thx sorry My english

Tested, and no luck, ill test this flag with webdriver now

Ok, this error gone, but the system are slow when i open finder or otther app, system lag 10 seconds.. And My Ethernet say 'cable unplugged'

More help please?

Can you tell me the best kernel and system kext for 10.10.5 maybe mine are wrong?

Ok, this error gone, but the system are slow when i open finder or otther app, system lag 10 seconds.. And My Ethernet say 'cable unplugged'

More help please?

Can you tell me the best kernel and system kext for 10.10.5 maybe mine are wrong?


Uhmm, very strange, maybe its a problem with WebDrivers version, you've downloaded the last version?


About kernel version, sorry bro, but my knowledge about AMD builds are limited, maybe you can find it in Shaneee's topics/posts.


Allan, Agora que vi, voce é brasileiro ?


Yes, i am  :yes:  ^_^

Vou falar português só pra tentar explicar melhor, consegui um adaptador wifi, então o problema da internet já era, só que depois que instalei o webdrive o pc fica dando lags sempre que abro alguma coisa, principalmente o Finder, sabe algo sobre isso ?

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