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I want to upgrade my monitor, with  32" 2560 x 1600 / 32" 2560 x 1440 / or 4k 28 inches 3840 x 2160

One of those should be :




The monitor i have now, is BenQ GW2760HS / res. 1920 x 1080

Do you think, the fonts, generally speaking, would look better / sharper / crisper, on 2560 x 1600 / 2560 x 1440, or 4K 28 inches,than 1920 x 1080 ?

I tried everything possible, on my 1080p monitor, but i don't really like the way the fonts look like. They look blurry. I googled a lot of forums, about. But still no result. I tried with the commands  "defaults write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 1"  2 /3 / 4 / as well, but the fonts still looks blurry.

Could you advice me, please ? What monitor would you recommend, to have a close / same / quality, like Retina Display - 15 inch ?

What about the 28 inches / 4k displays ?

I wonder how the fonts look on 4k display. I don't mean the font size, but the quality. Are they getting close to MBP Retina Display ?

How are the fonts looking on iMac 27 inches / 2560 x 1440 / ??
Are they looking better than 1920 x 1080 monitor / Hackintosh ?
If i would have a monitor with 2560 x 1440, would the fonts looks same like iMac 27 ?

As you can see in the attached image, there are 3 displays / comparisons
1. 15 inches / 16:9 / 2880 x 1800 resolution ( MacBookPro Retina )

2. 28 inches / 16:9 / 3840 x 2160 resolution ( 4 k monitor / 28 inches )

3. 27 inches / 16:9 / 1920 x 1080 ( specs for the monitor i have now )

For the 15 inches, there is 53.921 pixels / square inch
For the 28 inches / 4k / there is 24.784 pixels / square inch
Less than the half

That's why i asked you if the 28 inches 4k monitor is getting close to the Retina quality

All i want is to improve the fonts quality. Whatever i'm doing, OS X fonts looks blurry, compared to Windows fonts.

Thanks in advance, i hope someone can give me some advices about



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  • 2 weeks later...

yosemite looks great on a HP Dreamcolor outputting full range at 1920x1200 (32 bit colour), no problem with fonts


Have you got LCD font smoothing set in system preference> general (bottom)


before you buy a new monitor why not try the trial version of switchresX ? (I can set my monitor to higher than native eg 2560x1440 which looks really good but the fonts are small)

yes but they look sharp at native resolution as well, just that 2560x1440 appears sharper - as I say download the app is free to try for a couple of weeks, uninstall it if you don't like it


PS The HP Dreamcolor has always been a top pro monitor though, I got mine cheap second hand for the price of a good consumer grade monitor

  • 1 month later...
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