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Mobo: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 F9
CPU: i7 2600K
Video: MSI Radeon HD 6870
SSD: OCZ Vertex 120GB
BIOS: HPET set to 64 bit
OS: ML 10.8.4

I took DSDT of my mobo, installed. FakeSMC, AppleRTC.
- System Definition iMac 12,2
- SSDT -> Sandy Bridge Core i7

Boot.plist options checked
- Generate P/C States
- User Kernel Cache
- darkwake=0
- Ethernet Built In
- Kernel -> mach_kernel
- Restart Fix

10.8.4 shows 5900 of Geekbench(64 bit) scores for Multicore.

Same PC shows almost 12.000 score in Geekbench with 10.7.

I read that NullCPUPowerManagement has something to do with it, but I thought with my mobo DSDT I should not install NullCPUPowerManagement. Also read many users are removing that kext due to many problems.

Strange things observed in log:

Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: [iOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 4
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 2
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 3
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 5
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 6
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 1
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 7
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: P-State Stepper Error 18 at step 2 in context 2 on CPU 0
Sep 18 13:45:31 Mac-Pro kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 360

P-States and Sound assertion. Could this cause performance drop?

Little help please...



if u use a patched ssdt


must set




p and c-states=no


they are in the patched ssdt


take a good read here




good hack



if u use a patched ssdt


must set




p and c-states=no


they are in the patched ssdt


take a good read here




good hack


I wasn't using SSDT at all. Got some SSDT for i7 2600K, placed in /Extra and the score now 11900. Not sure it's patched or not.


P-State Stepper Error 18 - gone :)


Going to read your link, thanks!

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