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Native Mountain Lion AppleHDA HDMI Audio

All audio codecs/Most graphics systems



Update v1.1: 10/14/13 - Haswell HDMIx2 and DVI2HDMI audio working

Update v1: 9/28/13 - Haswell/HD4600 HDMI Audio working, 10.8.5 and newer.


Haswell/HD4600 HDMI Audio

Mountain Lion HDMI audio for Haswell/HD4600 systems with either: 1. HDMI audio edited dsdt or 2. the Haswell HDMI audio ssdt (credit bcc9). Both techniques enable native Haswell graphics power management.  Haswelll HDMI audio is not native, AppleHDA.kext and AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext require edits (credit PikeRAlpha).


Native Mountain Lion HDMI audio is supported on Intel HD3K/4K, AMD HD5xxx/HD6xxx, Nvida 4xx/5xx/6xx/7xx, Intel/AMD and Intel/Nvidia graphics configurations. This guide provides the files and instructions for enabling native AppleHDA.kext HDMI audio.


Supported OS X releases

  1. Mountain Lion: 10.8 to 10.8.4
  2. Mountain Lion: 10.8.5

Requirements (* new in 10.8.5)

  1. S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext
    1. * Haswell HDMI audio, Mountain Lion AppleHDA_v2.4.7 
    2. Native S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext/No onboard audio (use OS X combo update to restore native AppleHDA.kext)

    3. Realtek ALC AppleHDA.kext Mountain Lion Realtek ALC AppleHDA Audio - OSx86 10.8 (Mountain Lion) - InsanelyMac Forum

    4. Any patched Mountain Lion AppleHDA_v2.2.0 through v2.4.7

  2. Graphics systems

    1. * HD4600 (Azul framebuffer and AppleHDA edits required, patches available)

    2. HD4K (Capri framebuffer edits may be required)

    3. HD3K (SNB framebuffer edits may be required)

      1. If required, see Editing Custom connector info for Intel HD 3000 Graphics (sandy bridge, OSX Lion) - Intel - InsanelyMac Forum)

    4. * AMD HD5xxx/HD6xxx/HD7xxx (AppleHDAController and AMD50000Controller/AMD60000Controller/AMD7000Controller edits may be required,

      1. If required, see Editing custom personalities for ATI Radeon HD[45]xxx - ATi - InsanelyMac Forum)

    5. Nvidia 4xx/5xx/6xx/7xx (GTS450, GTX550ti, GTX 560ti not supported natively)

  3. Intel Motherboards

    1. * 8 Series - Z87, H87, B85

    2. 7 Series - Z77, H77, B75

    3. 6 Series - Z68, P67, H67, H61

    4. 5 Series - P55, H55

Before You Start

  1. OS X does not provide HDMI audio controls (No volume, no mute, no balance, etc.)
  2. The connected HDMI device (TV, receiver, etc.) provides any and all audio control
  3. Remove S/L/E/HDAEnabler1.kext or S/L/E/HDAEnabler2.kext (if present)
  4. Remove any property-type injection (Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist)
  5. * Haswell HDMI audio: Azul framebuffer and AppleHDA edits required, patches available


  1. MaciASL http://maciasl.sourceforge.net/
  2. IORegistryExplorer (IOReg) - Note: current version saves corrupt files
    1. for v2.1, Select View Raw audio_ALCInjection/IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip at master · toleda/audio_ALCInjection
  3. DPCIManager http://sourceforge.net/projects/dpcimanager/

ML HDMI Audio dsdt edits (Select link that matches your system configuration)

  1.  * 8 Series HDMI Audio (dsdt or ssdt) -Desktop toleda/audio_hdmi_8series
    1. Guide] ML-Haswell-hdmi_audio_(dsdt_or_ssdt)_v1.1

  2. UEFI HDMI Audio dsdt edits - Desktop/Laptop/Intel NUC toleda/audio_hdmi_uefi
    1. [Guide] ML-uefi-hdmi_audio_dsdt_edits_v2.0.pdf
  3. HD4000/7 Series MB dsdt edits - Desktop/Laptop/Intel NUC toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000

    1. [Guide] ML-Ivy_Bridge-HD4000-7_series-hdmi_audio_dsdt_edits_v1.2.pdf

  4. HD3000/6 Series MB dsdt edits - Desktop toleda/audio_hdmi_hd3000

    1. [Guide] ML-Sandy_Bridge-HD3000-6_series-hdmi_audio_dsdt_edits_v1.0.pdf

  5. 5 Series MB dsdt edits - Desktop toleda/audio_hdmi_5series

    1. [Guide] ML-5_series-hdmi_audio_dsdt_edits_v1.0.pdf

Installation - HDMI audio dsdt edits

  1. Prep
  2. Patch
  3. Compile
  4. Save
  5. Install
  6. Rebuild kernel cach

  7. Restart
  8. Verify


Installation - HDMI audio ssdt

  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Rebuild kernel cache
  4. Restart
  5. Verify


Now Supported

  1. * X79 - Use 5 Series MB dsdt edits
  2. * AMD HD7xxx
  3. * 8 Series/Haswell


  1. Verify HDMI device connected
    1. System Information/Graphics/Display/HDMI device name/Television/Yes

  2. Verify Extra/dsdt.aml is:

    1. .aml file (< 50KB)

    2. edits present

  3. IOReg/Verify Devices (PEGP, GFX0, HDAU, HDEF and IGPU)

    1. Device (IGPU) may not be present if HD3K/HD4K Graphics is not enabled

    2. Device (GFX0) and Device (HDAU) may not be present if no discrete graphics installed

Problem Reporting

  1. Motherboard/BIOS version/processor/graphics/OS and version
  2. Procedure/Guide Used
  3. dsdt/native (.dsl)
  4. dsdt/edited (.dsl)
  5. copy of IOReg (Tools/2 above)



PikeRAlpha: Intel HD4600 with full resolution | Pike's Universum

bcc9: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/top...ort/?p=1934889, Post #11

SJ_UnderWater: SourceForge.net: MaciASL - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software

VCH888: ALC889A, Gigabyte (Intel): now having a working front mic - Page 38 - Sound - InsanelyMac Forum

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I can confirm by a couple of successes this guide will work as described if followed carefully. As a suggestion, I'd remove any mention to Haswell/8-series chipset, since it's not supported by Mountain Lion, at least for now. Would also be great to know if the guide works also with Mavericks, but I myself cannot test it by now. A specific guide for Mavericks, I suppose, is not an option at this point, and perhaps Haswell support will come in time.


All the best!

Hi, Toleda!


Is this guide supposed to work for the HDMI port of a 1201n netbook (Atom CPU, ION graphics system, no Intel HD) running 10.8.4 with ALC 269 (enabled by DSDT and a patched AppleHDA for the codec)?


I'm having serious difficulties with it: it seems to appear in the IOReg but no audio though...


All the best!

Not Supported

  1. X79 - Try 5 Series MB dsdt edits
  2. AMD HD7xxx
  3. 8 Series/Haswell



x79 is supported as I have only used HDMI audio with my GTX 580 in ML with the ML AppleHDA. 


Haswell is supported as well and I have it working with IGPU on 10.8.5

Hi, Toleda!


Is this guide supposed to work for the HDMI port of a 1201n netbook (Atom CPU, ION graphics system, no Intel HD) running 10.8.4 with ALC 269 (enabled by DSDT and a patched AppleHDA for the codec)?


I'm having serious difficulties with it: it seems to appear in the IOReg but no audio though...


All the best!


You may have to patch the AppleHDA to support it. 

  • Like 1


Is this guide supposed to work for the HDMI port of a 1201n netbook (Atom CPU, ION graphics system, no Intel HD) running 10.8.4 with ALC 269 (enabled by DSDT and a patched AppleHDA for the codec)?


This is the only ION HDMI audio working solution I know of, [Guide] Asus AT5IONT-I / Deluxe - Tutorials (The Genius Bar) - InsanelyMac Forum, post #19.


x79 is supported as I have only used HDMI audio with my GTX 580 in ML with the ML AppleHDA. 


Haswell is supported as well and I have it working with IGPU on 10.8.5


Not supported means this guide does not include a HDMI audio dsdt editing kit.  Clarify Haswell HDMI audio working, is that AMD/Nvidia HDMI audio on 8 series or IGPU/HD5000 HDMI audio working and both?

Patched for the HDMI codex? 

No, simply for internal sound. I thought ML HDMI audio didn't need specific HDA patches, as long as internal sound was working. What values should i be looking for to patch?


This is the only ION HDMI audio working solution I know of, [Guide] Asus AT5IONT-I / Deluxe - Tutorials (The Genius Bar) - InsanelyMac Forum, post #19.


Thank you! Going to try.


All the best!

Not supported means this guide does not include a HDMI audio dsdt editing kit.  Clarify Haswell HDMI audio working, is that AMD/Nvidia HDMI audio on 8 series or IGPU/HD5000 HDMI audio working and both?


I see... 


Haswell is HDMI with only IGPU is working. Also working is Haswell with HDMI onboard and with a onboard GPU. Did not take long to see how Haswell changed and how to edit the DSDT to work. 

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Hi Toleda


As you know, we are some that have 10.8.4 working on Haswell (with mach_kernel from 10.8.5 Beta)

Can you tell me if works on this?



  1. Motherboard: ga-z87x-ud5h   BIOS F7/ processor: i7 4770K /graphics: gtx 650 ti 2 gb from gigabyte /OS Mountine Lion 10.8.4 with mach_kernel 10.8.5 Beta
  2. Procedure/ Camaleon 2256
  3. No DSDT


Suggest you get onboard working first.

I am trying 898 for hours, and I can only see the speaker in the finder, and the line in, speaker in, etc, in System Preferences, Sound.

The information in System Report is right. But no sound, except, when the Hackintosh start, I can hear some noise.



I place here the Terminal Saved Output.

Terminal Saved Output.zip

I am trying 898 for hours, and I can only see the speaker in the finder, and the line in, speaker in, etc, in System Preferences, Sound.

The information in System Report is right. But no sound, except, when the Hackintosh start, I can hear some noise.


Off topic, see Mountain Lion Realtek ALC AppleHDA Audio - OSx86 10.8 (Mountain Lion) - InsanelyMac Forum.  Attachment is not helpful. Download IOReg:  audio_ALCInjection/IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip at master · toleda/audio_ALCInjection

IOReg/File/Save a Copy As…, attach a zip in a new post on the thread linked.

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