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Anyone here trying to get Mavericks installed on their Inspiron 1720/Vostro 1700?  I've been attempting, but I keep running into problems.  MyHacks 3.2 Beta 8 makes an installer, but it doesn't start up, just gives me error messages.  Tried making an installer from scratch using the Lion/Moutain Lion instructions, but I'm getting kernel panics on it.  If anyone has attempted to do it or has it working, let me know, I'd like to see if I can get it going on mine.

Ok, if I boot with no flags, I get    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80006bbde1): "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"Acpi\".\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.

Boot with -v -f -x, I get stuck at    ApplePS2ALPSGlidepoint: Dictionary Object: HIDDefaultParameters Value: ??


Clues anyone?


Let me know what info you need.

Changed the NullCPUPowerManagement.kext, FakeSMC.kext, and the mach_kernel with the one from the Essential DP1 V2 zip file.  Booting with -v -f -x gets me to the language select screen.  If I select Use English, I get a message that OS X installation couldn't be completed and I get a crash log.  I have attached that log.

Installer Log 16-Jul-2013.txt

Alright, thank you for taking a look Lejenk.  Anyone else have any ideas?  When I tried a ML update from 10.8.1 to 10.8.2 and got stuck at ApplePS2ALPSGlidepoint someone told me it was because my video card wasn't loading properly.

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