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I bouht my first MBA last week :D


I love it ! But the only problem i found is the cooling ...


When i do some heavy thing, like install huge apps and doing some Unity3D the temps reach 100°C .. :o



I heard it's "normal" and it doesn't affect material but i don't believe that ..


Is there something to do ? an app to limit cpu usage ?


Or simply should i switch for a MBP for usage i do? 


Thanks !

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I thought that came standard with Macs since the introduction of Intel processors?  :hysterical: The aluminium casing doesn't improve anything either. I don't think you'll see any major difference with the MBP, but you could try if you have the financial resources. 



I bouht my first MBA last week :D


I love it ! But the only problem i found is the cooling ...


When i do some heavy thing, like install huge apps and doing some Unity3D the temps reach 100°C .. :o



I heard it's "normal" and it doesn't affect material but i don't believe that ..


Is there something to do ? an app to limit cpu usage ?


Or simply should i switch for a MBP for usage i do? 


Thanks !

Is it new or previously owned? If it's a previously owned, it might have some dust collected in between the fan and heatsink. Hence the cooling system might not work as effectively as it should. Again, if it's a used computer, it might be worth checking power supply (if the power supply getting too hot, then it might need replacing) and the power cord (the one that goes to computer).


Though any notebook would get hot under the max load. The question is how hot.

If you're still not sure this should happen and you bought your computer no later than 15 days ago, you can always ask Apple to replace your model door-to-door and for free. I own a MBA Late 2010 and a MBP Late 2011. I've never found myself in situations in which the temperature went so high (and among other things I do web/C++/MATLAB development). So IMHO this is something worth checking.

I'm the 2nd owner but the guy bought it 2 weeks ago..

There is no dust or anything, i heard many people were in the same situation with their MBA ..


Why putting all this stuff if we can't use them in good condition ? ..


I'm a bit disappointed to be honest..


Even with minecraft the MBA reach 100°C :o (plus the fan wich rotate @6500rpm of course ..)


I tried iStat Menus but without noticeable results ..


Well i'll sell it i think, thanks god i got it for a few bucks only

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