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Hello dear fellow Hackintosh users,


After weeks of trying I am finally the proud owner of a Snow Leopard 10.6.2 installation on my AMD Hardware, but still encounter some minor issues.


First thing, I tried yesterday on a installation which broken my CMOS for some time, to install the Chameleon 2.0 boot loader so I can boot without having to use the OSX86 ModCD, but I failed, resulting in a gray screen with a Apple logo and a forbidden icon, so I am asking if it is possible to install Chameleon on Snow Leopard 10.6.2 AMD?


Secondly, I want to enable Graphics Acceleration to have the transparent bar on the top, make the system work faster and etc, but I am failing hard. I've edited the Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist file, adding the following:




About the UseKernelCache, somebody told me I will not get the gray screen anymore, but won't risk to break again the installation with Chameleon again, for now.


Okay, so about the GraphicsEnabler part, it is NOT working, and I don't know why. Any suggestions?




Thanks for reading the post and wasting your time with me, hopefully somebody will guide me in the right direction.


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Hi, and welcome!


Please post the specs of hardware in use. Otherwise it would be quite difficult to troubleshoot the problem.


Motherboard - ?

Chipset - ?

South bridge - ?


GPU - ?

Install disk type (distro/retail DVD) - ?


Chameleon consists not only from boot files, there should also be configuration files (org.chameleon.Boot.plist, SMBIOS.plist), themes, kexts and optionally modules.


org.chameleon.Boot.plist, SMBIOS.plist are system specific and should be adjusted for the particular system. Kexts are also system specific, but there few that should be present in any case. Like FakeSMC.kext. Make sure you have all the above installed and configured.


A patched kernel must be used with AMD CPUs, as Apple uses Intel CPUs only.


To troubleshoot the issue, try booting with -v boot flag. It should show you where the boot process stop. I suspect it would be "Still waiting for root device" problem.

Yes, booting with -v shows the root device problem.


Then you need to find and install the appropriate kext for the disk controller (hence the question about chipset). Probably it would be nforce kext. I've always used Intel CPUs/Chipsets, so can't be of much help. Here we have many AMD related topics, try searching the forum.

The Gigabyte M61PME-S2 MOBO has a GeForce 6100 / nForce 430 chipset AFAIK

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