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Hi i'm not exactly a real pro at programming and stuff but i was interested in osx86 ever since it started and so i decided to try it and have a go.


10.4.4 runs well on my pc. Here are my stats:


CPU: Intel Celeron 2.53ghz with 1 GB ram

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-81865GME-775

Video card: Ati RADEON 9550 (runs QE and CI perfectly except doesn't work when AGPGart Universal is installed)


Sound: Built-In AC97/ALC653 Chip (sound works perfectly no adjustments needed)


Monitor: CRT Phillips 107E 17' monitor


Callisto works fine as well for various resolutions.


The problem now is my monitor has reached its maximum in brightness and contrast setting via the menu button. But OSX still runs very dark. Is there a way to enable native video support or brightness adjustment in the colorsync? Cos when i went to calibrate under system pref -> display -> color and tried to move the slider nothing happens.


It practically renders all of my efforts useless if this doesn't work as everythin is dark even webpages and video overlays are dark even tho they run nice n smoothly.


And please don't ask me to go and buy an lcd monitor or replacement. I wanna try and find out if i can adjust the brightness the 'proper' way through the keyboard shortcut/system preferences Thanks!

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