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eBay purchases as of recent:


- g4 quicksilver case <- recieved and under modification, Stored for movement to cube mod.


- g4 MDD case + Drive cages* <- recieved and stored for later use


- g4 Cube enclosure x2 <- recieved, and its beautiful, nicer than the one i got for $400.


- g4 Cube enclosure (Cracked, Scratched and Scuffed $10 special) <- recieved and stored.


- g4 Cube Internal Chassis x5 <- recieved and under review for modification


- g4 Cube Harddrive Rails and SuperDrive Adaptor Sled <- recieved and stored.


- g3 side plastics (close to mint as possible) <- recieved and stored.


- Dell Truemoble 1450 Broadcom Mini-PCI wifi cards x2 <- recieved and stored.


*Bought from macauctions and i got banned from them cause i said they had slow shipping. well it was, i was getting all my parts ordered 2 days after this case, on thanksgiving at that, before these. they are overpriced anyway.


and so far its only cost me $325.00 all for that.

Now that ive got some modding supplies and a grip of time lets see what i can make....

i wonder when the macmod challenge is this year?

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i sure will. right now im double teaming with sandwer on a pair of core2duo cubes. the mac mini mod into the cube was cool but too simple. so we have decided to got he hard route. mini-itx boards and the whole works. more fun to come! :whistle:

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