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I can't install any os x in it.

start correctly but when pass starting darwin x86 reboot or black screen. It depend on the version os x.



Asrock z75 pro3 (bios 1.80 original)

8gb (2x4) ddr3 2133 gskill

hd 5770

2 hdd 500gb


i had trying with differents flags but nothing difference. Please help

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your build will work use 1 stick of ram 1 hdd take out video card card use onboard for install.set north bridge to onboard and 64mb ram.disable pll over voltage ur z75 may not have this is for oc 4.7 and above.u can get bios patched via wordpress bios repo or use null cpu management kext or will get kp.you will need ml 10.8.0 or above

Attention for all user ..if have problem your pc restart when start with pen drive , edited your org.plist



<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>-v npci=0x2000</string>

by Magnifico, el grandee!!!!! :D

graphics not being detected change to 32mb on northbrige boot with graphicsenabler=no -v -f npci=ox2000 kernelcache=no? some people not able to boot if kernelcache=yes.just noticed your using lion need 10.7.5 or ml 10.8.0 or above for hd 4000

have u disabled secure boot in bios if not do it.disables bootable usb devices.what is install method need details.turn off software update via system preferences.if u update to 10.8.3 usb/ sound will be disabled if u don't have dsdt. do u have the install esd on a separate flash drive?when u get in system download clover boot loader.format as fat under options then as dos. will need two flash drives 1 8gb second 2-64 gb.

remove the windows hdd not needed for install i can see it in your io -v .im trying to get u to do a retail only install no hacking only needed kexts are nullcpumanagement/fakesmc .pandora is nice but it screws up disk permissions.if u dont believe me run disk utility verify disk permissions u will see.so does the tm method

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