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i have installed os x on one of my computers here at home its a Fujitsu siemens esprimo p5925. I have noticed that only the 2 front ports are working on the computer. I have googled and found that i could delete applehpet.kext to make the computer work with all the usb ports and its now working, yeah. But now its one question that i really need an answer for. The usb speed of all ports are pretty slow i Think because when i put in a mobile usb internet dongle the internet is super slow? The thing i have done is to disabled HPET in bios but i dont know if it will be better to delete the applehpet.kext or if its the same as disable hpet in bios. Or maybe i will delete the applehpet.kext and even disable it in bios. Hope someone knows what to do to make the usb speed as normal. Thanks and keep hacking.

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I did check the usb speed with a usb memory and there was nothing strange att all but i did go in to bios and enable som serial port and so on and then it worked. So now internet is running on hack nr 2. The internet speed is no problem when using the integrated lan but when it was connected to the 3g via usb dongle it were wery slow and didnt even load upp pages correct but now it does so the problem is solwed, thanks again, Happy easter from sweden to all u guys out there.

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