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how can i remove kernel debuing things , and AppleSMBusPCI



AppleRTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 18:a9:05:1f:55:af
** AppleSMBusPCI::start failed to get acpi path for provider
Controller: Intel 82801G (vendor ID: 8086, device ID: 27d8)
Controller: ATI RV730 (vendor ID: 1002, device ID: aa38)
[iOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
[KernelDebugging] KernelDebugEnable (1)
Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
DSMOS has arrived
** Device in slot: SLOT--1 **
[KernelDebugging] [FindKernelLogger] Couldn't find the matchingService.
[KernelDebugging] [FindKernelLogger] Could not find a logger instance. Error = E00002BC.
[KernelDebugging] Debugging level changed to: 7
[KernelDebugging] SetOutputType failed: could not find kernel logger. It probably needs to be loaded?
[KernelDebugging] Debugging type changed to: 2
CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=169[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x100001000): p=181[Moom] clearing CS_VALID




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I found this site: http://www.fieldofco...bugging_on_OS_X

Check your boot arguments in your boot.plist file and remove the "debug=0x146" from it, or if you using fileNVRAM module, then do this in Terminal:

sudo nvram boot-args=""


thanks for suggest but it didn't help , and i removed fileNVRAM and still same kernel debugging

What additional kext do you using? Maybe some kext have this debug-mode enabled... Check your modified or additional kext's info.plist and search for something like "debug". I remember I saw some debug thing in a kext(don't remember what was the kext), it was set to false, maybe you got something like this too, but enabled.

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