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Lately my system has been freezing if I leave it alone for a little while. And on a couple occasions it freezes while I'm using it. It's not a kernel panic: the screen just freezes, and sometimes the mouse still works, but everything else is frozen. Sometimes the mouse disappears as well. The last time it froze, I looked at the console and saw these two things:



2/7/13 3:16:04.000 PM kernel[0]: NVDA(OpenGL): Channel timeout!





2/7/13 3:28:16.840 PM loginwindow[85]: ERROR | ScreensharingLoginNotification | Failed sending message to screen sharing GetScreensharingPort, err: 1102


My system was working fine for a couple months and then I started having this problem. Also, the system won't sleep. My specs are in my sig. I suppose the problem could have something to do with my graphics card (GTX 560 Ti), but I don't know what to do about it. For a while I was thinking it might be Chrome that was causing it to freeze, but I've been using Safari lately and the problem persists.

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My guess would be, that the system tries to put something to sleep, HDD or the whole system. Look under system preferences, then energy saver, and adjust the settings that would normally put the system to sleep.

It's a temporary fix. Try fixing your DSDT or patch the IntelCPUPowerManagement (Is not meant for sleep, more for speed stepping), but it could help.

Bump. Now I'm thinking that the problem is related to my graphics card. I've seen some stuff about the 560 Ti - various drivers and patches you can install - but I'm not sure why I can find the newest version of the drivers and other bits related to it. Any help?

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