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Some time ago I installed Lion on my system (see below for details) managed to make everything work. I did the installation on the first partition of my HD then installing Chameleon as "boot 0". Today I installed successfully Mountain Lion 10.8.2 (using a USB installer) in the second partition on the disk but I can not in any way to install Chameleon in the partition of ML (tested with 1822 and 2069 version). When I try to install Chameleon as "boot 0" on the second partition, the same always starts from the first partition. The result is that however ML can start only using the installer USB because if I choose 2th partition ML don't start.

I wonder, can coexist Lion and ML on the same HD? How to install the same Chameleon that I've in the USB Installer and "rewrite" the old installation of Chameleon on the HD?


Thanks to all


My system:

Mobo: GA-EP45-DS4

Video: ATI Radeon HD 4850 1GB

HD: Seagate Barracuda 500GB

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