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Can you please help me with my problem.

i had bought ASUS CU2 GTX 680 4GB to replace my 4870.

Once i try to install ML - my monitor goes “Sync out of range”

I did use -v GraphicsEnabler = No(Yes) CPURootUID = 0(1) npci=0×2000 (3000)

And still same result.


With GE=YES i can get just grey screen. Not Install Grey but just whitish gray.

And if i will plug my 4870 Install screen rase up without any additional flags. So problem is in GTX somewhere.

Btw. One week before this 4gb card i get 2gb card for tests. And with that Asus 2GB 680 there was no problems to install ML and all was just fine. And now if i will put this new 4GB card and try to boot that completed ML install won’t boot also. It’s stuck at [PCI Configuration...] no matter what flag i will put.

Here is the screenrecord with my problem


PS i know about typos :) same result without typos :))

it could be the size of ram on your new card. as the two gig card works ok

you could also try adding your device id to the plist file in the graphics kext that your card is trying to use (you will have to look that up) then copy it to desktop open the kext contence .

the plist file mite be invisible use cmd+f the is a menu and make invisible files visible. edit plist file. add your device to the plist.close kext and install with kext wizard and repair permissions.

you can back up your kext with kext wizard. tick the box in kext wizard to back up replaced kext

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