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Good afternoon, hope you are all well.


My first post here and it is to ask of some assistance, sorry! (Like the pass quiz to post idea, great idea!)


After a long struggle I have installed Mountain Lion 10.8.2 on my Sony Vaio E Series (2012) laptop (SVE1711X1EB), I had to replace my wifi card but I have got most other features working. I will gladly post a guide for others to use when I can get my graphics acceleration to work. Would really appreciate some help with this.


My specs are:

Laptop: Sony Vaio E Series (2012) - SVE1711X1EB

CPU: Intel Core i7 3612QM

RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz

GFX: Intel HD4000 Integrated Graphics

GFX2: AMD HD Radeon 7650M

SSD: Corsair GTForce 90GB (Primary and has dual boot with Win8)

HDD: WD 750GB 5400RPM

Screen: 1920x1080

WiFi: Atheros AR9287


I Can't get Graphics Acceleration to work :( I have AMD 7650 HD which isn't going to work (at least not yet), but I also have Intel HD4000 which should work. The problem I am having is that when I boot GE=Yes, it attempts to load the ATI card, even with PCIRootUID=0 or 1 it attempts to load the ATI, I thought specifying PCIRootUID was chosing your graphics card slot?


I think either need a way to disable my ATI so that I can run GE=Yes or I need to get my HD4000 to run with GE=No (I think). I have tried all of the HD4000PlatformIDs (0-9,a, b ) and I've tried some EFI string injections, I can't inject a string that I generate myself with gfxutil as I need to get my device ID (right?) which isn't loaded in IOReg. The biggest downer is that I can't set my VRAM in the BIOS.... I do not have a modded bios and I'm pretty locked down. I have requested a bios mod but not much seems to be happening with it. My Video memory is displayed at 7mb :( you can imagine what that's like! Is there another way to set VRAM and/or is there a way to find out what the default setting is for my BIOS? (I have InsydeH20 R0200E6)


Is it possible to modify my VRAM in my DSDT? I'm currently not using a DSDT but I have extracted mine before and I have successfully booted from it. I've tried changing the GFX0 fields to IGPU as aI read somewhere that it could work, I did boot ok with it but sadly, no QE/CI.


Speaking of DSDT, can I disable my AMD card in there? If so, could someone point me in the right direction?


I have hunted around the web now for what seems to me like decades (realistically it's probably about 2 weeks), followed all the main guides (stuffed cow blog, tonymac, macbreaker etc)


So, can anyone see a way around my problem? Or am I stuck without QE/CI until I get a BIOS mod?


Many Thanks

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Had a look at all of your links and gave them a go but sadly, no joy. I thought I was making progress with the EFI string injections. I originally said that I cannot get my device ID but doing 'gfxutil -f display' instead of 'gfxutil -f gfx0 or igpu' did the job. So I went through, generated strings using gfxutil and the ig-platform-ids from 0-9 and a & b. I thought I was getting somewhere as I got a few kernel panics (I couldn't find the offending kexts) but simply retrying booted ok.


After each injection, I tried booting 4 times:

GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=0

GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=1


GraphicsEnabler=No PCIRootUID=0

GraphicsEnabler=No PCIRootUID=1


GE=Yes failed every time but I read that injecting EFI strings you should have GE=No? But I tried GE=Yes anyway.


I'm out of ideas :(

Any more useful links or ideas?



  • 2 weeks later...

Had a look at all of your links and gave them a go but sadly, no joy. I thought I was making progress with the EFI string injections. I originally said that I cannot get my device ID but doing 'gfxutil -f display' instead of 'gfxutil -f gfx0 or igpu' did the job. So I went through, generated strings using gfxutil and the ig-platform-ids from 0-9 and a & b. I thought I was getting somewhere as I got a few kernel panics (I couldn't find the offending kexts) but simply retrying booted ok.


After each injection, I tried booting 4 times:

GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=0

GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=1


GraphicsEnabler=No PCIRootUID=0

GraphicsEnabler=No PCIRootUID=1


GE=Yes failed every time but I read that injecting EFI strings you should have GE=No? But I tried GE=Yes anyway.


I'm out of ideas :(

Any more useful links or ideas?




I have read, that the HD4000 is present at your device, but has no video output. You have to wait for the offical 10 8.3 update or try to find a prerelease of it at the usual places. If the 7650m is not present in the kexts, you have to edit the info.plist of ati kexts or do a DSDT inject. You need the newest version of Chameleon too.


This llink might be usefull for you: http://rampagedev.wordpress.com/2012/07/01/how-to-inject-your-amdati-graphic-card-into-a-dsdt-36-2/


Have fun!

I have read, that the HD4000 is present at your device, but has no video output. You have to wait for the offical 10 8.3 update or try to find a prerelease of it at the usual places. If the 7650m is not present in the kexts, you have to edit the info.plist of ati kexts or do a DSDT inject. You need the newest version of Chameleon too.


This llink might be usefull for you: http://rampagedev.wo...to-a-dsdt-36-2/


Have fun!


Thanks for this. I too have just realised that the IGFX has no video output! I have just installed a modded bios and thought I'd try setting the primary graphics to the HD4000.... not a good idea! I had no video output so no display at all and had to set it back to 'Auto' in the bios, from memory! Got there in the end lol.


I have been thinking about joining the Apple Developer program, I believe that members get beta OSX releases? This is the reason that I'm building a Hackintosh, for iOS development, so I guess I'll just go ahead and register now.


Thanks for your help

Hey Styrian, I have now installed my ATI7000Controller.kext and modified the info.plist to include my deviceId and the kext appears to be loading but I still get no QE/CI :( (If I go to System Information and Software\Extensions\, ATI7000Controller is displayed, along with ATISupport and AMDRadeonAccelerator.

I had to modify info.plist to add my DeviceId (which is 0x6841) as is was not included by default. Any other ideas as to how to get QE/CI, I am not using a DSDT (But I can do)



Hey Styrian, I have now installed my ATI7000Controller.kext and modified the info.plist to include my deviceId and the kext appears to be loading but I still get no QE/CI :( (If I go to System Information and Software\Extensions\, ATI7000Controller is displayed, along with ATISupport and AMDRadeonAccelerator.

I had to modify info.plist to add my DeviceId (which is 0x6841) as is was not included by default. Any other ideas as to how to get QE/CI, I am not using a DSDT (But I can do)



Have you set graphicsenabler=yes in org.chameleon.boot.plist?

Try to proof in terminal with "kextstat", if all ATI kexts ar really loaded. A fine tool, to proof your system in this case and for other issues is DarwinDumper. Could be found here.

Try to edit the entry in infoplist of AGPM.kext for your seleceted SMBios with your card ID´s too. Might be, that the bootloader does not support the 7650m. Then you have to add to your 7650m to DSDT like in the link, I have posted before. With DSDT edit for gfx card one must set graphicsenabler to no or just remove this entry completely from org.Chameleon.Boot.plist.


Have fun.

Yes tried with GE=Yes and No. No luck. When trying with GE=Yes, the screen goes real distorted, pixelated, with some strange symbols on and ultimately freezes. This has always been the case with GE=Yes.

I have ran kextstat and my ATI7000Controller kext does not show. I have attempted Darwin Dumper but not really sure what I'm looking for tbh. So I guess that ATI kexts are not really loaded? Tried setting my SMBIOS to 8,3 and adding 'Vendor1002Device6841' under MacBookPro8,3, I simply copied another from another SMBOIS with a different DeviceID and changed the DeviceID in the title... Not sure if that's right, but no joy.


I will look into the DSDT stuff tomorrow when I get some more time.


Thanks for you help mate, appreciated.

Yes tried with GE=Yes and No. No luck. When trying with GE=Yes, the screen goes real distorted, pixelated, with some strange symbols on and ultimately freezes. This has always been the case with GE=Yes.

I have ran kextstat and my ATI7000Controller kext does not show. I have attempted Darwin Dumper but not really sure what I'm looking for tbh. So I guess that ATI kexts are not really loaded? Tried setting my SMBIOS to 8,3 and adding 'Vendor1002Device6841' under MacBookPro8,3, I simply copied another from another SMBOIS with a different DeviceID and changed the DeviceID in the title... Not sure if that's right, but no joy.


I will look into the DSDT stuff tomorrow when I get some more time.


Thanks for you help mate, appreciated.

It looks like, that you have to do a forced EDID of your laptop display right before you try to inject the 7650m in DSDT. The distorted screen you get, if you boot with GE=yes, is an explicit sign for that. Try the EDID following this guide: http://www.insanelym...splay-problems/


Insteed of streching terminal window to get the full hex string (without $ ending) of IODisplayEDID it is easier to dump the ioreg with DarwinDumper and searching for IODisplayEDID in its text file. The other necessary entries are some lines above and down of the string. You can use my override folder, but you have to rename the folder and the plist with your entries and adapt the entries in the plist with PlistEdit Pro. Don´t forget to repair permissions. Rebooting with option -f updates the caches.


Have fun.


  • Like 1

Ok, so I have tried that. No luck I'm afraid :(

I followed the post, found all of my IDs that I need to replace, including my EDID hex which I had to obtain from Windows because when I run terminal 'ioreg -l', IODisplayEDID is not present. The guide said that may be the case. But I created my folder, all IDs set correctly and went to drop it into the overrides folder but I noticed that there was already one there, with the correct values inside? It did have some other information too so I removed it and replaced with my version to try. There were also several other DeviceID-xxxx folders within the overrides folder. I have removed these for testing too but no change seems to have happened, I still get the distorted screen when I attempt to do GraphicsEnabler=Yes. But it's intermittent, sometimes it distorts with differing colours, other times, I just get a black screen with a memory allocation error (something about deadbeef)


Something interesting I have noticed, when I run 'kextstat', I notice there is a kext in there named 'AMD7000Controller.kext'. I find this interesting as the kext that I installed to s/l/e/ is named 'ATI7000Controller.kext'...



I have read, that the HD4000 is present at your device, but has no video output. You have to wait for the offical 10 8.3 update or try to find a prerelease of it at the usual places. If the 7650m is not present in the kexts, you have to edit the info.plist of ati kexts or do a DSDT inject. You need the newest version of Chameleon too.


This llink might be usefull for you: http://rampagedev.wo...to-a-dsdt-36-2/


Have fun!


An update, I have tried the DSDT injections, my DSDT is very different to what's in that post, for example, in my DSDT my PEGP is a sub-device of PEG0. Under PCI0, I have 6 devices: PEG0, PEG1, PEG2, PEG3, B0D4 & GFX0. The code under GFX0 is huge, replacing the whole of that causes enormous errors. So I am not too sure where exactly to put the code, I have tried several places with no luck. He mentions posting the code over the NPE3 device, but I don't have that anywhere in my DSDT.


I also found that the same guy, RampageDev blogged about ATI7000 specifically http://rampagedev.wo...g-with-full-qe/ so I tried that one too with no luck. I have to fully upgrade to 10.8.3 too as he said in the comments that simply grabbing the kexts from the update won't work. After doing that I have a few errors, WiFi has completely broken, amongst other issues, so I have just re-installed 10.8.2


I have attached my DSDT if someone could take a quick look and point me where to inject the AMD code?




Many Thanks

An update, I have tried the DSDT injections, my DSDT is very different to what's in that post, for example, in my DSDT my PEGP is a sub-device of PEG0. Under PCI0, I have 6 devices: PEG0, PEG1, PEG2, PEG3, B0D4 & GFX0. The code under GFX0 is huge, replacing the whole of that causes enormous errors. So I am not too sure where exactly to put the code, I have tried several places with no luck. He mentions posting the code over the NPE3 device, but I don't have that anywhere in my DSDT.


I also found that the same guy, RampageDev blogged about ATI7000 specifically http://rampagedev.wo...g-with-full-qe/ so I tried that one too with no luck. I have to fully upgrade to 10.8.3 too as he said in the comments that simply grabbing the kexts from the update won't work. After doing that I have a few errors, WiFi has completely broken, amongst other issues, so I have just re-installed 10.8.2


I have attached my DSDT if someone could take a quick look and point me where to inject the AMD code?




Many Thanks

After updating to 10 8.3 you have to reinstall all patched kexts for devices, which do not work.


You should try to edit PEGP with the edits of Rampage Dev. You have to correct the framebuffer and the device ID´s.

You have also to add Method DTGP to your DSDT, if you have not done it before. It is among other patches of DSDT Editor.


Have fun.

I did try modding the PEGP section and I did add the DTGP method as it would not compile without it. I tried a couple of his framebuffers (but not all, should I try all?) I did alter the Device ID but I wasn't sure what to set it to because my card wasn't listed. Could it be that the 7650 won't be supported by 10.8.3? Or would I have to find out the correct device ID in the format it needs (I think it's 0x6841 but not sure how to convert it to the required format)


Thanks for your help

Thanks iFire.

Hmm, sadly, it doesn't work, but I think we are getting closer. In 'About this Mac' my Display now reads 'AMD Radeon HD 7650 7mb' instead of 'Display 7mb' so it's picking up the graphics card name from the DSDT inject, but still no QE/CI. I have been busy, trying every new framebuffer from 'Aji' to 'IkuraS'. Tried using Slot-0 & Slot-1. Also tried with device id 6841 and 683F. And every combination of each of the above, took me a while and unfortunately, it still don't work :(


Looking at my ATI7000Controller.kext/Contents/Info.plist, I only have two framebuffers listed, Chutoro & Hamachi. Chutoro contains relatively no keys but Hamachi does. I have added my device ID to this list as it was not present. Should I try adding the other Framebuffers?



YES, try boot whit : GraphicsEnabler=Yes/No and AtiConfig=Chutoro, test all framembufers one to one


No joy I'm afraid.

On another note, the kexts that I have modded to include the 0x6841 device id are: ATI7000Controller.kext and AGPM.kext under MacBook Pro 8,3. My device ID was already listed in AMDRadeonAccelerator.kext under the 'Lombok' section, 0x683F is present there too, 683F was already in ATI7000Controller.kext. Do you know of any other kexts that I may need to mod?


Thanks again

ioreg | grep ATY



sudo kextstat | grep AMD




ioreg -l | grep -15 "AppleACPIPCI" | grep "_UID"



ok, try this command terminal and post output here. install the kext lspci.kext if you not have installed, is for output terminal



for your card work, these are the kexts (they are be read) these are mine ATI5000Controller and your ATI7000Controller


sudo kextstat | grep AMD

63 2 0xffffff7f80ba9000 0x1d8000 0x1d8000 com.apple.kext.AMDSupport (8.0.0) <62 10 9 7 5 4 3 1>

64 0 0xffffff7f80d81000 0x41000 0x41000 com.apple.kext.AMD5000Controller (8.0.0) <63 62 10 9 5 4 3 1>

75 0 0xffffff7f80e62000 0x3cd000 0x3cd000 com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator (1.0.0) <74 73 62 10 7 5 4 3 1>

77 0 0xffffff7f812ca000 0x13000 0x13000 com.apple.kext.AMDFramebuffer (8.0.0) <63 62 10 9 7 5 4 3 1>

ioreg | grep ATY



sudo kextstat | grep AMD




ioreg -l | grep -15 "AppleACPIPCI" | grep "_UID"



ok, try this command terminal and post output here. install the kext lspci.kext if you not have installed, is for output terminal



for your card work, these are the kexts (they are be read) these are mine ATI5000Controller and your ATI7000Controller



sudo kextstat | grep AMD

63 2 0xffffff7f80ba9000 0x1d8000 0x1d8000 com.apple.kext.AMDSupport (8.0.0) <62 10 9 7 5 4 3 1>

64 0 0xffffff7f80d81000 0x41000 0x41000 com.apple.kext.AMD5000Controller (8.0.0) <63 62 10 9 5 4 3 1>

75 0 0xffffff7f80e62000 0x3cd000 0x3cd000 com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator (1.0.0) <74 73 62 10 7 5 4 3 1>

77 0 0xffffff7f812ca000 0x13000 0x13000 com.apple.kext.AMDFramebuffer (8.0.0) <63 62 10 9 7 5 4 3 1>


ioreg | grep ATY

sudo kextstat | grep AMD
63 1 0xffffff7f80d22000 0x66000 0x66000 com.apple.kext.AMDSupport (8.1.0) <62 10 9 7 5 4 3 1>
64 0 0xffffff7f80d88000 0x1da000 0x1da000 com.apple.kext.AMD7000Controller (8.1.0) <63 62 10 9 5 4 3 1>
83 0 0xffffff7f81060000 0x3b8000 0x3b8000 com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator (1.0.6) <82 71 62 10 7 5 4 3 1>


ioreg -l | grep -15 "AppleACPIPCI" | grep "_UID"

 | | | "_UID" = "0"



pcilib: 0000:0e:00.0 64-bit device address ignored.
pcilib: 0000:0e:00.0 64-bit device address ignored.
pcilib: 0000:01:00.0 64-bit device address ignored.
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 0154 (rev 09)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 0151 (rev 09)
00:14.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e31 (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e3a (rev 04)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e2d (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e20 (rev 04)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e10 (rev c4)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e12 (rev c4)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e14 (rev c4)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e26 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e59 (rev 04)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e03 (rev 04)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Unknown device 1e22 (rev 04)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 6841
01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device aa90
02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Unknown device 002e (rev 01)
08:00.0 Class ff00: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Unknown device 5209 (rev 01)
0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 07)



Hmmm, ATI card unknown device?

Also, It looks like my ATIFrameBuffer kext is not loading?


[edit] Just discovered, I have no ATY_Init kext installed.... should I?

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