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Hi there. I have a HP 8570w mobile workstation which has a Nvidia Quadro K2000M graphics card. It does not have the Intel HD graphics in the CPU. I have problem use this K2000M in Mountain Lion.


With 10.8.2 version of ML and install the 304.00.05f02 driver from nvidia.com, I can only boot into a plain light grey screen. It shows up right after the grey screen with apple logo and rotating wheel disappear.

After upgraded to the late 2012 update mentioned here:http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/283889-new-mountain-lion-1082-updater-late-2012-models-nvidia-drivers/ I got almost the same result, except of the freezing light grey screen now has a apple logo in the center.


If I boot with -v flag, I can see NVDAGK100HAL loaded and registered, so I think the driver is loaded but not working properly somehow.


I can boot successfully if remove the NVDA*.kext and GeFore*.kext kextes under /S/L/E.


I am not using any customized DSDT. Can someone help me on this or at least point a way to further debug the problem? Thanks in advance.

You may need to inject your GPU into your DSDT and you may also need the inst fix as well. See my guide here:



You may need to inject your GPU into your DSDT and you may also need the inst fix as well. See my guide here:




Thanks a lot. I will carefully read and try. One question, your blog says it is for Fermi, however my laptop use Quadro K2000m which is Kepler. Will it work also?

I missed the K in the name. Try installing these drivers first:




You can always post your DSDT here with a IOreg and I can take a look if the retail drivers do not work for you.

I have read your blog post, seems it assumes the reader have experience on DSDT/IOreg information extraction and editing, but I don't... So I don't understands some of the key steps. Could you kindly look into my DSDT and ioreg file and edit for me? Many thanks!


Not sure this can be done in the DSDT since I can not get the errors removed. Someone with more skill the I may be able to get it...


Thanks anyway. I was not able to fix the dsdt compile error either. Even without making any changes to the original dsdt, it will have error to compile...

  • 2 weeks later...



have the same problem with a K4000M. I think the Kepler Mobile GPUs arent working at the moment maybe with 10.8.3...

I tried nearly everything (DSDT-Injection, bootflags, dirfferent GPU-kexts, Vendor and Device IDs...) but all the time the same result. I can only start without the NVidia-kexts or with -x.

You dont mean the 4000M maybe? I havent seen any guide or post that a 6xxM mobile Kepler GPU is working. I really tried a lot of stuff....

The .kexts are loading but it stucks before the desktop should pop up. I tried 10.8.3 but with the same result. Any ideas?



have the same problem with a K4000M. I think the Kepler Mobile GPUs arent working at the moment maybe with 10.8.3...

I tried nearly everything (DSDT-Injection, bootflags, dirfferent GPU-kexts, Vendor and Device IDs...) but all the time the same result. I can only start without the NVidia-kexts or with -x.


I have tried almost all you have done, except of the DSDT thing, no luck till now.

I got it working now!


The magic is Chameleon r2137. After upgrade to this version and set GraphicsEnabler=No, it is working as expected.


Previously I am using Chameleon r2129, when GraphicsEnabler is set to No, the kernel will panic. While set it to yes cannot boot into the desktop.


Looked into Chameleon change logs, there are several Nvidia related changes and fixes in recent revisions, that must have help set my video card up correctly. No DSDT editing needed.


The latest r2137 Chameleon is downloadable at osx86.net.

  • 4 weeks later...

I got it working now!


The magic is Chameleon r2137. After upgrade to this version and set GraphicsEnabler=No, it is working as expected.


Previously I am using Chameleon r2129, when GraphicsEnabler is set to No, the kernel will panic. While set it to yes cannot boot into the desktop.


Looked into Chameleon change logs, there are several Nvidia related changes and fixes in recent revisions, that must have help set my video card up correctly. No DSDT editing needed.


The latest r2137 Chameleon is downloadable at osx86.net.


Hi Kraml,

I was wondering if you could give me some more details on how you got your K2000m to work?


I've got a Dell Precision M6700 with K3000m, which should be supported the same as the K2000m, but I can't get it to go.

What I've done so far (If you have time to read it, maybe there is something I missed):


Chameleon r2152. - Setting GE to Yes or No makes no different. Although looking at the code for r2152 the subsystem for the Dell M6700 isn't in nvidia.c. I added it, but it still didn't work despite values being injected.


smbios for MacBookPro10,2 (Tried others too, but doesn't seem to have an effect.)


DSDT edits to fix HPET,RTC,IPIC,HDEF & USB and also to set VRAM,totalsize to 2GB. OSX reports 0MB otherwise.

I had to set the HPET's IRQs to 4,5,6 & 7 otherwise the USB controllers wouldn't get a usable interrupt.('unable to get filterInterruptEventSource' error) Maybe I've used an IRQ needed for the K3000M?! Does your K2000M have an interrupt assigned?


Installed 10.8.0 from USB.

Installed patched AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement, E1000(NIC) & ApplePS2Controller kexts

Installed 10.8.1 update.

Installed 10.8.2 update for late 2012 models. Includes the NVDASettings.kext.

(The supplemental updates won't install!? Haven't looked into why.)


Like this the machine would boot in safe mode, but booting normally the screen stays in text mode. I can ssh into the machine. I saw things like launchd, aspd, mds crashing continuously in system.log. SEGVs and Illegal instructions. Really weird reasons.


Fixed permissions on NVDA/Geforce kexts. - Broke safe mode(black screen). Booting normally the screen still stays in text mode see things crashing again. Looking at the output of 'ioreg -l' I think the nvidia driver found the card. Although I don't know what it should look like when it's working so it's difficult to know what to try changing.


Removed NVDA/Geforce kexts. - Safe mode worked again. But booting normally same as before.


Tried using kexts from NVidia's site 304.00.. with NVDASettings. - Worked the same as the default kexts.

Removed NVDASetting.kext. - Worked the same as before. Although ioreg -l looks different.


Removed NVDA/Geforce kexts again. - Safe mode worked again. But booting normally same as before.


I then tried moving the disk to another machine with a i3-2330m processor and HD3000 graphics. It booted up normally with full graphics support. So I suspect the processes crashing in weird ways is due to the graphics system not being initialized properly rather than the cause of the problem.


I also tried the get the HD4000 graphics working. That didn't work. Unlike the HP 8570w/8770w the M4700/M6700 has Optimus and multiplexers with an option in the bios to enable/disable Optimus, but no setting for shared memory.


It's most annoying. I feel the M6700 could be an amazing hackintosh if I could just get the graphics working..


Any help would be great.




timp, all I have is,

ML 10.8.0 installed from USB, 10.8.1 update, then 10.8.2 update, then 10.8.2 update for late 2012 mac. And Chameleon later than r2137.


The NVIDIA driver I used is the kexts from the late 2012. I didn't use the 304 version on nvidia.com


what I don't have:

DSDT editing

GraphicsEnabler option


And I didn't remember seeing any NVDASettings.kext in my system, is that some helper kext?


My problem before using Chameleon r2137, is that the system will boot into a gray screen. That screen looks like the graphics driver is working and the very early GUI is up, just cannot boot into the desktop. This is different from your situation, since yours seems is unable to boot into graphic env. yet.

Thanks Kraml. I still haven't got this working. Not sure if the K3000m just isn't supported yet or it's an issue with how things are configured on the M6700.


I started a tread for it here:




Could you send me an IORegistryExplorer export or the out put from the command 'ioreg -l > kramls.ioreg.txt' now your card is working? It would really help me to see how the 8570w compares with the M6700.



Tim P.

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