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So this weekend, I'm planning on installing OS X Lion on my Asus K53E via iATKOS L2. The thing is, this is the laptop I use for school, and I don't want to mess anything up on the existing harddrive. So my question is, if I got another 2.5 inch SATA HDD for my laptop, could I take out the existing HDD, put the new one in, install Lion, then be able to take out that HDD and put my old one back in, and still have windows 7 and all my documents and stuff? I hope I have this explained correctly.

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http://eshop.macsales.com/item/NewerTech/U3NVSPATAOB/ a couple days lunch money :) Or the even cheaper route I use, take the sata to usb connector board out of an old USB hard drive case and use it on any sata drive for a quick usb connection. This is a great way to get large sata drives for less then the ones meant to be installed internally (don't know why they are cheaper) and get a free USB to sata adapter along with it. Works for 3.5in drives only as laptop sized externals tend to have proprietary connection to the usb board
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