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i had mac installed before but got rid of it cuz i needed the space. well i can't live without it so i reinstalled it but now it only sees one of my windows partitions not the other one with my movies and music. it shows up on disk utilitiy but wont mount.


any ideas?

  • 4 months later...

I'm facing the same issue. On my windows drive there are several partitions. But some of them cannot be mounted automatically. The ones that can, show up as Windows NT File System in disk utility, the others as Windows_NTFS. Disk Util is also unable to read the Labels of these drives. (see screenshots)




I resized and moved some of the partitions on that drive with Acronis Partition Expert. Maybe this is causing that trouble.


A diskutil list in terminal states that all partition are in NTFS format which is correct.


I was able to manually mount the partitions using:


mkdir /Volumes/Files
sudo mount_ntfs /dev/disk1s7 /Volumes/Files
killall Finder


Doing so, I can access the drive and all files on it without any problems.


I tried to to automount the partition using fstab:


LABEL=Files /Volumes/Files ntfs ro


But due to the fact, that the label of this partition is not recognized, the fstab method does not work.


Any ideas how to automount such a partition on startup?

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