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My system as follows

Motherboard: ASRock x79 extreme 3

CPU: intel i7 3280 sandy bridge

Memory: 32 gig

Video card: Nvidia 580GTX


I've been able to create a bootable USB install drive. I have to boot with cpus=1 flag otherwise I get video lag with the GUI. I had to find some additional kexts to get the 580gtx to work. It works now. I am able to install ML to the HDD. However when rebooting after the install then picking the HDD. I get an unsupported CPU kernel panic. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

I have nullcpupowermanagement.kext on the usb flash drive in the /s/l/e dir on my usb stick. I am able to boot from the usb stick fine but then when i select the HDD in chameleon boot loader that I installed ML on. It immediate KP's with the unsupported CPU error. I never get a command prompt to be able to install any kexts to the HDD.

Install it from the USB stick, to your HD using terminal in the installer. So if for example your HD was called Macintosh HD....

cp -R /System/Library/Extensions/NullCPUPowerManagement.kext /Volumes/"Macintosh HD"/System/Library/Extensions/

Then reboot into HD using -f boot flag

  • 2 months later...

I support all x79 motherboards via my blog including yours:




Just follow my set instructions and you will be done in less then 30 mins after the install is complete.

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