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I am attempting to transition from Chimera to Chameleon because I want to have access to the Mac App Store and also edit my system more easily via Champlist or Chameleon Wizard. Both tools I've looked at won't recognize the Chimera branch of Chameleon and so most of the features I'm looking for are disabled, I realize a lot of this can be done manually but I would prefer the tools.


Basically I created a brand new OSX Lion 10.7.4 USB install drive using the following tutorial as a guide...


...everything seemed to be going smoothly in setting up the USB install drive until I attempted to install OSX Lion from it and got the dreaded "Still waiting for root device" error. As I have said I have OSX currently running on this machine via a [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] install so my BIOS settings should be correct. I have AHCI selected under SATA and I have tried booting with both S.M.A.R.T. On and Off with the same result. I have attached screen grab of the error (see attached).


My System is as follows:

• Optiplex 755 MT

• Q6700 - 2.66GHz Core 2 Quad

• 4GB (2x 2GB) DDR2 RAM

• EVGA Geforce 8800GT 512GB

• 250GB Samsung SATA HardDrive - Stock


Any ideas? Is the latest version of Chameleon (Chameleon v2.1svn r1547) not compatible with OSX 10.7.4??? Do I need to find RC5 as mentioned in the tutorial?


But that's just it, I don't think there is a DSDT file anywhere because I haven't installed ANYTHING on the hard drive yet... this is trying to run the OSX installer USB I created to install OSX 10.7.4 on the hard drive.

Thanks for the suggestions but so far they aren't working... I updated my USB thumb drive with a different Chameleon release and now I get a different error...


Here is what I've done so far...

1) In Disk Utility on my Real Mac I formatted an 8GB Thumb drive into two Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with GUID partitions 6.5GB (For OSX Lion 10.7.4) and 1.5GB (For Supporting Tools)

2) From a purchased Lion 10.7.4 installer via the Mac App Store I mounted InstallESD.dmg from Applications/Install Mac OS X Lion.app/Contents/SharedSupport and ran "open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/BaseSystem.dmg" in Terminal.

3) In Disk Utility I selected the 6.5GB partition and chose the Restore Tab. I made "Mac OS X Base System" the Source and "OSX Lion" (the 6.5GB partition) the Destination.

4) After that was finished copying I renamed the partition back to OSX Lion as I prefer that name over "Mac OS X Base System" <-- I tested this without renaming and had the same results.

5) I opened the newly restored partition on the USB thumb drive and went to System/Installation and removed the Packages alias and replaced it with a folder called Packages.

6) In Terminal I typed "open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/Packages" and copied the contents to the new Packages folder I created on the USB Thumb drive

7) I then ran Extra Lion from this Tutorial (http://www.insanelym...howtopic=256729) and then ran Chameleon-2.1svn-r2059 which I had previously downloaded, making sure in both instances to select the USB Thumbdrive as the Destination for installing to.

8) Following that I plugged the USB Thumb drive into the Optiplex 755 MT and power it ON and press F12 to get the Boot Menu.

9) In the Boot Menu I select "USB Device"

10) I choose "hd(0,2) OSX Lion with no option (See attached) <-- this is my USB Thumb drive from above

11) I get the Error "can't find /mach_kernel" (See attached)


Any ideas as to why it can't find it? I've attached the Chameleon Installer Log and a screen cap of the Thumb drive contents incase those are helpful. The system installed and booted up fine under Chimera earlier so BIOS settings and hardware should be fine.





Haha!!! Got it!!! I started from scratch and recreated my USB Thumb Drive Installer using myHack and it worked as expected. Graphics/Network and Sleep are working after adding a few Kext files. Now I just have to get the App Store working... I am getting"An unknown error has occured."


Below in my SMBios.plist, any ideas as to how I can




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">



<string>Created with Champlist</string>


<string>Apple Inc.</string>






<string>Mac Pro</string>




<string>G8XXXXXXXXX</string> <--- Sorry just masking this. ;)



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