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I've become a big fan of this forum recently (during the info about Leopard), and decided to finally registered. You guys seem really great, and I hope to hang out on here quite often!


Pardon my newbness please. I've tried searching in the forums where I thought this might be, and I hope this is in the proper forum (please feel free to move if needed). I have a 15" MacBook Pro and I just purchased a 500GB Western Digital MyBook External HD. It has USB 2.0 and FW400 as well as two FW800 ports. I was thinking about getting a ExpressCard with FW 800 ports on it to utilize the faster transer speeds (I'm a graphic designer.)


In my recent searching online I've found a few places that carry such a card, but some don't appear to work on the Mac. I've found 2 that I think I like, but I was curious to see what you're input was. Have any of you purchased any, what do you like, what don't you like, stay away from a certain brand.


The 2 I have found so far that I like are:

- SSCG-800EXP IEEE1394b/FireWire 800 ExpressCard/34

- SIIG FireWire 800 1-Port ExpressCard/34


I apreciate any/all help. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum, schwanginpt.


This is a basic question, but just to double check - your HD supports FW800, right?


FWIW, I've found Firewire 400 to be plenty fast for my needs. If you're looking to save some money, you might try the 400 to see what you think. Or just do your main work while on your MBP and then have it backup to the HD while you're asleep - that'd truly be the fastest way, but I'm not sure what your workflow is.

Thanks Mash.


Yes, my HD supports Firewire 800. I was actually kind of suprised to see it has 2 firewire 800 ports and only 1 firewire 400.


This is not my first go-round with external HDs nor to Firewire 400. I've been using 400 since about 2000 (had it on my 450Mhz Sawtooth G4). I'm content with the speed of Firewire 400, but I do big batch moves of my work files (which range for 10MB-150MB per project and usually when I move to my external HD, it's about 4GB+ of data), so I was just thinking maybe I would try out the faster speeds of Firewire 800 when I move my files, it would expidites that process.


Thanks for the welcome and advice

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