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Acer Aspire 5742-7047


Intel i3 370M

Intel hd graphics

8gb ram

256gb Vertex 4 SSD solid state drive

Acer Nplifyy 802.1 b/g/n


is this machine compatible with mountain lion 10.8 and what will work and what won't if i do this

will all the stuff work for example ethernet wireless sound and video and mic
  • 5 weeks later...

ok i got the retail version made the usb bootable using uuunnniiibeast latest version and now when i boot the acer it just comes up with the apple logo and the spinning circle thing below it like its loading and it just stays there forever how do i get past this?

i need help doing this retail install i purchased the mountnlion but im confused been messing with this for hours help please?



u can help us, if u boot




and post a photo of the boot to see what happen


the apple logo is nice, but don't say nothing, only the apple is eat...


good hack

ok hmm did that how long should it take to load still doing same thing im go for a smoke and check in few minutes see how its doing

i did what you stated


ok its doing same thing still not workin help?

that command does not fit i get to c can't type cpus=1 and if i do enter it with out seeing that part and hit enter does not work



go in usb system/library/extensions


and delete all kext appleintelhd*.kext


boot again


-f GraphicsEnabler=No


u know probably u graphics don't work ?


use this to see u hardware




good hack

  • Like 1

how do i got to usb sytem/library/extensions and do that i just see 4 things etc temp var mlion when i click on the drive in eat


when you make the usb bootable you don't have to actually install on the mac your running you just have to dload it thru store correct?



u dont have a mac .... u have a hack


so i think u must read a lot , mac os x is not windows, mac os x is developed for macintosh pc


hack is 99 % of reading, googling, persistency and 1 % of luck u hardware are compatible


use this to acess the pen drive




good hack

i am trying to make a hack but i have orignal mac i borrowed from friend to do this is there any easier way i downloaded and purchased mlion? i used [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] on mac to make the bootable but no luck am i doing something wrong ? ive been reading 10 hours straight no sleep full pack of ciggarettes and still no luck i don't like to give up




go in usb system/library/extensions


and delete all kext appleintelhd*.kext


boot again


-f GraphicsEnabler=No


u know probably u graphics don't work ?


use this to see u hardware




good hack

hey its working for install i delted the kext files its installing but i never did that command you told me to try what was that for i guess it wont hurt install is quick i have ssd so wasted 10 hours whats a few more haha thanks for getting me this far



now is the pos installation


see how




some utils are here in IM


and use the system info to find the kext (driver) for u hardware.


some thing with desktop


must know what hardware u have to help in install and pos install


try to do in u profile > signature something like i have in the final my answer


good hack

  • Like 1

ok i did that last command because i thought it would make graphics better but now my mouse stoped working do i have to do the install all over again and my friend the ethernet and sound and wireless does not work will i be able to get these to work what do you think is the best move how can i get the mouse to work again without installing over again

were do i find what kext i need for my hardwarde i think i just screwed up more the mouse stoped working permanently now and i have have no clue how to make [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] work right been fooling around for hours when i deleted the inteldhd folders there were a few i deleted was i just suppose to delted one that said intelhd or all the folders with intelhd in the name because it said intelhd but also something after it as well confused if i was suppose to delte just one or all? help

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