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I use a dsdt.aml file to drive my graphics card on OSX 10.7.0. But this DSDT deosn't work on mountain lion.I've tried many method.But all of them failed.


Method 1: put the old dsdt.aml in /Extra/------Chameleon -v start up,stuck at "PCI Configuration Begin"


Method 2:use nvcap maker 1.4 to get the nvcap of my graphics card from the rom file,and use the OSX86 tools to generate the EFI-String,then add it to Chameleon.------get the right information about the graphics card in system report,but the resolution can not be changed, QE-CI didn't work,check the system report and I found NVDANV50Hal.kext NVResman.kext were not loaded


Method 3:add hardware ID into NVDANV50Hal.kext info.plist------black screen on system startup


Method 4:put the old dsdt.aml in /Extra/+add hardware ID into NVDANV50Hal.kext info.plist-----black screen again


Method 5:add EFI-String+add hardware ID into NVDANV50Hal.kext info.plist-----the resolution can be changed,but QE-CI didn't work


Method 6: I've got a IOPCIFamily.kext from another forum, put this kext in /Extra/Extensions helps with the "PCI Configuration Begin" problem.So I put it in /Extra/Extensions,then put the old dsdt.aml in /Extra.----the information about the graphics card was ok,the pci-slot information was also detected(in method 2 and 5,the pci---slot infromation was not displayed),but but the resolution can not be changed, QE-CI didn't work,check the system report and I found NVDANV50Hal.kext NVResman.kext were not loaded.

So after this I add hardware ID into NVDANV50Hal.kext info.plist again,unfortunately,black screen again.


My Systerm

Dell Alienware M17X laptop

CPU:Q9100 Quad-core

Chipset: NVIDIA MCP79

RAM:4GB DDR3 1333 x2

Harddisk: Samsung 830 SSD 128GB+ WD 1TB Harddisk

Graphics: NVIDIA 9400M G Integrated Graphics(shut off in BIOS settings before start Mac OS system)

NVIDIA GeForce GTX260M x2 (SLI,but this shouldn't cause any problem,in Mac OS,only one of them is used,the other one should be igored automaticly)

Kext in Extra/Extensions:AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext ApplePS2Controller.kext FakeSMC.kext IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector.kext

NullCPUPowerManagement.kext OpenHaltRestart.kext PlatformUUID.kext



There are 4 items in the attach fils---the old dsdt.aml which works fine in OSX 10.7.0,the information list of IORegistryExplorer,the ROM file of GTX 260M Graphics Card and the acpi_dsdt.bin file(I get this from the system information software Everest).


And the BIOS file of my laptop can be downloaded here.


So I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of anyone, with the hope that he/she will help me to fix the dsdt file to make it effective in mountain lion.

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