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If I boot it normally, I get the usual KP message:



If I boot with -v flag then it hangs up to here (but no KP)



The installer was fine. Tried several method with same results. Using ML from App Store


Thanks for any help.


PD: It boots and works fine in safe mode.

Thanks. I get the same freeze as with -v only. I get it to boot only with -x. No graphics acceleration and no sound. Could this have to do with the Windows 7 partition based on the second screen photo?




EDIT: I hadn't any issues in Lion. It booted right after install. Only needed to install Audio and Network drivers.







Tried another bootloader (Chimera) now:


I do not get KP without flags but I get this:





With the -v flag I got the well know "Still Waiting for root device"


It still works in safe mode (-x) but now I lost network connection.

I don't think mountain lion has native support for your graphics card.

You could try installing the latest Nvidia drivers (from safe mode).


If no luck with that maybe try using the graphics kexts from Lion, might be worth a try.

Boot lion and run kextstat from terminal. that will list all the kexts loaded.

Find the ones relating to graphics and transfer those to the mountain lion partition.


Don't forget to backup first and repair permissions and rebuild caches afterwards.


This is just a graphics issue, it just so happens NTFS driver blah blah is the last thing in the verbose output before the GUI starts. If the GUI doesn't start you're left looking at NTFS blah blah.

It has nothing to do with Windows, don't worry.

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Many thanks again :)

I get network again in ML in safe mode after reinstalling the Atheros Kext.

Does this info means ML is recognising my video card but it's not loading any driver (because of Safe mode?)

--sorry I have a typo in my sig it's GT520 not GT530 I'll correct.

I will try the Lion Kexts anyway when I install it again and extract them.



Yeah I'm on Sandy Bridge. I've downloaded your patch from where the screenshot above (AICPMPatch.pl) but I don't know how to run it properly. Is this command

Perl AICPMPatch.pl

the correct one?

just stick it on your desktop and double click, it will open with terminal and do everything for you.

Re. your graphics, safe mode will not load graphics drivers so yes, this may be the issue.

I'm referring to the AHCIBlockStorage.kext not the AICPM script, sorry for not making that clear.

  • Like 1

Thanks again.


First of all I will summarise all flags and combinations and their results used so far to help out pinpoint the cause :).


1. No flags - normal boot: Forbidden sign on Apple logo as shown on image at post #3 (in Chameleon: Kernel Panic)

2. -v: Waiting for root device (In Chameleon: Freezes at the screen shown in the 2º image on OP.)

3. -f: Kernel Panic.

4. -f -v: Freezes at the screen shown in the 2º image on OP.

5. -x: Boots fine.

6. GraphicsEnabler=Yes -v -f UseKernelCache=No: Freezes at the screen shown in the 2º image on OP


Using GraphicsEnabler on all combinations and "Yes" or "No" does not make any difference.


With respect to the Patch, it opens on TextEdit if I double click it :(


I tried using

sudo perl file://localhost/Users/christian/Desktop/AICPMPatch.pl


I get:

otool not found


GREAT progress made.


After doing this now I get graphics support (right resolution and acceleration) and no KP.




I still need to use the -f flag or it will refuse to boot with the damn forbidden icon on Apple logo is there a way to make it boot without this flag

Yes, use the patch from my site.


backup IOAHCIFamily.kext


Double click the AHCIBlockStorage.kext script from my site


Rebuild caches and repair permissions


Add UseKernelCache Yes to your org.chameleon.Boot.plist




All done


The otool error is because you do not have developer tools for mountain lion installed (should only be needed for the AICPM script which you shouldn't need to use).

If you run into this again, log into developer.apple.com and install the xcode 4.4 or 4.5 command line tools.

  • Like 1

Yep that's all done.

Rebuild caches, repair permissions (use the latest version of Kext Wizard)



You should only need the AICPM patch if you are having problems with speedstepping.

If things are working don't apply it!


If it aint broke, don't fix it!

  • Like 1

Many thanks, yeah all is fine for now except sound (which happened in Lion though and I assume the fix is the same) I have installed Office and Xcode without issues, though the dock has lost its transparency, I will create a thread about :)

Open terminal and go

killall Dock

Capital D on Dock


Might sort it for you.


For sound, AppleHDA now uses zlib compression on the xml files so the patch may be the same but you will have to adapt it for use with ML.

Look for revogirl's (R.I.P.) zlib inflate/deflate script to help with this.

  • Like 1

No me either.

have you re-booted?


I saw your other thread..I actually quite like the dock like that...if you find out how you did it let me know :thumbsup_anim:


Hold on, try this...log shot!

Shut down

PSU off

hold power button for 10 seconds

PSU on

start up


Might be a CMOS issue, never know :worried_anim:

  • Like 1

Thanks! yeah I've rebooted, even shutdown and done that, but it remains. I cannot figured how did lost the transparency!!! they said it is intended as is, but no because I saw every screenshot out there and all of them show some transparency!, mine is 100% opaque!I will tell you if I find some sort of hidden option to toggle transparency on or off :)

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