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Hello. i am a complete noob when it comes to this. i have been building pc's for about 9 years now though. complete water cooled gaming systems for fun. Right now i have a dell xps 730x. its stock(ie dell x58 sli board, 6gb ddr3, i7 920) except i have a gtx 460 in it. i also have extra hard drives. right now im running windows 7 and would like to use some version of osx on one of the extra hard drives i have and be able to duel boot. Like i said i am a complete noob when it comes to this so I have read everything i can on it. How would i go about installing osx on my machine. i have seen youtube videos showing that some have had luck installing osx on this machine. thanks for all the support!

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Hi, welcome to insanelymac.

  1. Start by downloading and burning the OS X 86 Mod CD/USB and buy/borrow a Snow Leopard 10.6.3 retail disk.
  2. Unplug your windows HDD
  3. Boot from the ModCD/USB, at the prompt swap/insert the Snow disk.
  4. Press F5 to refresh the available media.
  5. Highlight the Snow DVD (with the cursors), type -v and hit enter.
  6. Partition a drive as GUID, Mac OS Extended (Journaled), call it Macintosh HD.
  7. Install to Macintosh HD
  8. The install will say failed at the end as it cans write the boot loader (you do not have an EFI chip on your motherboard as it's a PC).
  9. Boot from the Mod CD/USB again but this time choose your new Snow install, type -v and hit enter.


Once into the OS download Chameleon Wizard and use it to install Chameleon to Macintosh HD, this is a boot loader and does the job of the Mod CD/USB but it's installed to your HDD so you no longer need a CD/USB to boot.

Use Chameleon to generate a smbios.plist and an org.chameleon.Boot.plist. Have a look about for a few examples if you feel a bit lost.


The smbios.plist contains the hardware info of the Mac you are trying to spoof, the serial number, model number of the Mac etc

o.c.B.p contains the flags/vales that are passed to the boot loader, so whether to generate p&c states, graphics enabler etc


You will then need to install fakesmc.kext to /System/Library/Extensions and rebuild your system caches with an app like Kext Wizard (you can do it through Terminal if you know what you are doing).

fakesmc is the only kext everyone 100% needs but there may be others you need in order to enable certain hardware. Install these the same way.


If needed (95% need a dsdt edit) use DSDT Editor to extract your dsdt and patch any sections that need patching. This will become apparent when using the system and trying to get it stable.

If your stuck with this, just post in the dsdt sub-forum and I'm sure some nice person will help you out if you ask nicely.


Once you're at that point you should have a pretty stable hack and be pretty knowledgeable about the whole process.

Please don't go the *easy* route and install from a distro, they may be easier to install but they're much harder to get working properly and fix when things go wrong.


Good luck and have fun.

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WOW, thanks JamesLittler. fast response and very helpful. will do. I will update how it goes.


Can i use ###### or should i use something else for the boot disc?


EDIT: dont know why it did that? i didnt curse just said i boot




read this and this !
Edited by fantomas1
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ok sorry. didnt know that. ill try nawcoms modcd. might wait till i go to work tonight and take my pc and try it there.


is there a way to boot snow leapord by usb? my dvd drive is acting up and wont let me read anything

Edited by Gringo Vermelho
Overquoting removed. Please don't quote entire posts when replying directly below them.
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Since you're using a GTX 460 make sure to not use any kind of video injector (NVEnabler.kext/GraphicsEnabler=y/Device-Properties string) until you have installed the Snow Leopard Quadro 4000 drivers from Nvidia. Otherwise you'll just see a black screen - the Nvidia drivers that ship with Snow Leopard has no support for Fermi architecture cards.

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