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Now that ML is GM, I want to install it and give it a try. MyHack is the best solution to my opinion, makes it much more easy to create the install disk. One little problem. All of the sudden, the server where you can download MyHack seems to be down. Anyone knows a mirror?


This is the original link:




Would help me greatly if I have this DMG. Thanks!

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Easiest way is to just make an installer yourself. Once you've done it a couple times you can do it in a couple minutes, know what's going into it and don't end up spending hours tracking down problems so often caused by these "installers". Depending on your hardware and drive set up, only because I was asked to, I wrote a really quick and basic how to on Dp4 which still applies, about halfway down first page http://www.insanelym...howtopic=279688

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Easiest way is to just make an installer yourself. Once you've done it a couple times you can do it in a couple minutes, know what's going into it and don't end up spending hours tracking down problems so often caused by these "installers". Depending on your hardware and drive set up, only because I was asked to, I wrote a really quick and basic how to on Dp4 which still applies, about halfway down first page http://www.insanelym...howtopic=279688


I did it in the past with all the hackintoshes I made, but myHack saves me lots of time, especially since it's last update is made for the GM build and people report that it's a very good and 'clean' solution.

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