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So it seems the old methods of Lion installation work fine for Mountain Lion GM release. I still need to use FakeSMC on my ESXi, but no more need for applelsifusion.


All the issues are post install. I`m not able to get iCloud to work at all on ESXi, on VMWare workstation it seems to work. iMessage also doesnt seem to work on eather ESXi or Workstation.


This release is a lot about iCloud any suggestions to get this working ?


Also the CPU is shown as Unknow any fix for this ?


EDIT: iCloud Solution for ESXi


If you are interested in getting this working, take extract efi bios from vmware-vmx.exe by opening it with 7zip, look in

".rsrc/BINRES". extract the 6021 file, rename it to EFI64.rom.

Copy it to where the vmx file is located for the vm, add line efi64.filename = "./EFI64.rom" Thats it. start the machine and sign in to iCloud.

Check if EthernetBuiltIn=Yes is present in org.chameleon.boot.plist (or fixed in DSDT.aml like for me). And check your smbios.plist file for correct model name, serial number etc.


We are not using any bootloaders for the vmware installations....

After a week of fighting with iCloud, I think I got it ! I extracted the EFI roms from the vmware workstation 8.0.4 and used it in ESXi with vmx line efi64.filename = and it works ! iCloud that is, iMessage still no good, but that doesnt work on vmware workstation or fusion eather...


If you are interested in getting this working, take extract efi bios from vmware-vmx.exe by opening it with 7zip, look in ".rsrc/BINRES". extract the 6021 file, rename it to EFI64.rom. Copy it to where the vmx file is located for the vm, add line efi64.filename = "./EFI64.rom" Thats it. start the machine and sign in to iCloud.


Now to work on the iMessage !

It never crossed my mind to take the EFI ROMs from one product and use on another. Good find and could be useful for future issues. Take what works in Fusion and stick it on ESXi or Workstation.


Well if you think about it, the EFI rom is just like BIOS file, we used to move BIOS files around right ? SO why not the EFI ROMs ? I was killing my self trying to get iCloud to work and then tough about moving the BIOS files.....


I still cant get Messages to come up... This is a bit more complicated I think, im thinking the device needs a valid Apple Serial # ? Because even on Fusion this is not working, I`m guessing with a bit of effort the EFI could be edited to include a valid serial #, or perhaps some how via smbios.system.serial ? I dont know still looking around, but so far does not look good, any suggestions would be appreciated...

I have started looking at decompressing the EFI files again. Sure we can do something with the contents.

Well if you are on board I`m very sure we can get this going... I`m surprised more people are not complaining about imessage or icloud not working....

@yozh (or others) Can you post instructions for pulling the EFI file from Fusion? I don't have access to Workstation and would like to update my Lion Server VM to Mountain Lion.


Better yet--if this is a generic file can someone just upload to mediafire or something like that?


Many thanks!

I successfully installed OS 10.8 GM in Workstation 2012 Preview 790308 for Windows (x64).

Had no problems whatsoever with the install.

Patched with Donk's unlocker v1.10.

Installed VMware Tools from Fusion 4.1.3.


iMessage is working for you?

If you have Fusion, but not Workstation, like me, you can extract the EFI in the Terminal by executing:
cd "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library" segedit vmware-vmx -extract __VMWARE efi64 efi64.rom


Thanks! I had to install the XCode command line tools to get segedit, but other than that it seemed to work--I ended up with a 2.1MB file. Hopefully I'll have a chance to try it out this weekend.

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