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I have a problem, I'm getting this console message on every boot:

SocialPushAgent[172]: Error: unable to get the current device-token:(null) and/or the uuid:(null)

And twitter notifications not working. I can post to twitter throught notification center, but it's not notify when someone write me.


I checked, I have uuid in system profiler.


Is there a fix for this? Or is this working for anyone? Or we have to wait a fix in chameleon like we did for FaceTime, etc...?

I registered a new twitter account and that is working perfectly, all notification shows up... I checked twitter settings on webpage for both profile, and they are the same... so...wtf?! :|


So I set up my two twitter account in osx. Now I can send tweets and I can the sender account right from notification center. If I send a tweet for my old account from the new one, then no notification appears. But if I send a tweet for my new account from my old account, then it shows notification.


What the hell is going on? Every setting the same for the accounts.


Tried to delete, re-add accounts.


Edit: deleted all the two account from osx, then setted up again, and now it works... anyway... it works now... But I don't understand...

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