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It has been reported today that Google is in talks with Apple to supply video content for their upcoming iTV device.


According to Newsweek, Google’s consumer product chief, Marissa Mayer, has been quoted as saying that Google and Apple are currently engaged in talks to provide content directly to users’ televisions, via the Internet.


Apple hopes to capture some of the market currently held by Microsoft’s Media Center system, which already has similar streaming abilities. “Everyone who’s tried this before has failed,” said Apple boss Steve Jobs at the recent unveiling of the new device, resembling a smaller Mac Mini.


Clearly Apple believes that the key to ensuring better success is content, and this deal with Google is the first of perhaps many to give iTV a strategic advantage over its rivals.

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I think the idea is that there won't be any more "nothing to watch on TV" moments, since you can always watch whatever you want. In theory, I think, that's the end goal. But you're right, Bearcat, Google Movies all day would suck.

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