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What would you guys say is the easiest x58 motherboard to install 10.8 or 10.7 on? Preferably one with a video tutorial from beginning to end. I've tried for years to get 10.6/7 on my EVGA without success and now I just want easy sailing.

The easiest X58 board to configure is a Gigabyte. However X58 boards are becoming extremely scarce. I have two X58A-UD3R boards and one X58-UD3R and they all configure easily. Only two special kexts are required for boot. To be fully functional two kexts are required for audio and one for ethernet. You will need a DSDT.aml for the board (google DSDT and you will find).


Use DigitalDreamers script to install (see his long thread in the Tutorials section). The first post contains the script download and explanation. His script will build a bootable USB from the iStore Lion app or .dmg (and also ML when it becomes available - will do the development versions today).


The only difference between Lion and MountainLion for install is the bootloader - earlier versions work only on Lion, later versions work for Lion and MountainLion (Chameleon r1820 and later works for both - I am using r1924 presently).


I presently use ATI 5770 video cards as they work OOB with GraphiceEnabler=Yes. I understand the 6870 cards work well. I cannot speak for Nvidia cards as I do not have any current cards in that family.

Lionize and pretty much any Asus Board - http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=267001


Supported board:

  • P6T Deluxe OK
  • P6T Deluxe V2 OK
  • P6TD Deluxe OK
  • P6T OK
  • P6T SE OK
  • P6T WS Professional OK
  • P6T7 WS Supercomputer OK
  • P6T6 WS Revolution OK
  • Rampage II GENE OK
  • Rampage II Extreme OK
  • Rampage III Extreme OK
  • P6X58D-E OK
  • P6X58D Premium OK
  • Rampage III GENE OK (Audio works with VoodooHDA)
  • Rampage Black Edition NEED TESTER FEEDBACK

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I have near 100% functionality including 'Wake on Demand' and auto sleep.

The only things that may not work are a few of the audio inputs (never tested them so they might work).


There is a post by d00d in the DSDT section with instructions on how to get everything working.

I have a 100% working install on a GA-X58-USB3. Processor is an i7 950, GPU is a GTX 560 Ti. myHack creates the basic stuff, and then install the official Realtek 81xx network kext, AppleHDA, HDA Rollback, and the non-DSDT enabler for the 892 in the current Lion version of Mu|tibeast.

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