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Sorry in advance for my english. I'm Italian but in my language section no one cares about my question :D


Shortly, I have Lion 10.7.3 installed on hardware in my signature. Everything work very well, the gpu work well in desktop apps and stuff. The problem is in game. I usually play L4d2 from steam (in Windows). In past, with my old hardware (ATI HD 4890) the game won't start. Just black screen. Today with this hardware the game start but in game i have poor fps (20-30) and the game run really slow in general. I installed the official driver from Nvidia site and the CUDA. No good things happens.


Can someone help me.


Thanks in advance and sorry again for my english



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Usually that means that badly configured (or not configured at all) video card power management is holding back performance.


Read up on model identifiers and AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext or AGPM.kext for short.


CUDA is for pro image/video manipulation apps, for assisting with heavy calculations. It is not used in games on OS X. Having it installed will do no harm, but it will not make any difference either.

I don't have any links at hand but as I said, you need to find posts about modifying AppleGraphicsPowermanagement.kext. We have a ton of posts and topics about it, people have been modifying this kernel extension since the early days. It's also often referred to as AGPM.kext, try using that as a search term as well.


As a test, you can simply move it out of /System/Library/Extensions. Then run terminal, type sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions (and your password) to refresh the kext cache (otherwise it will just load from the cache). Then reboot and see if performance has improved. If it has, then you should definitely look into modifying AGPM.kext.

Using MacPro3,1 causes AGPM.kext not to load so that's the same thing as I'm suggesting, except it's much more complicated.


Changing model identifier without knowing what you're doing is not a good idea and neither is using "hybrid" smbios definitions.

That's odd, I'd expect that to fix your issue or at least make a difference.


Something else must be holding back performance.


I can't think of anything else except maybe try installing the latest Nvidia drivers:


There is a newer driver, but it's for 10.7.4.

I installed 10.7 with ####### on my hack, just checked the graphicsenabler=yes and my GTX285 runs like a champ.

I've not updated to 10.7.4, so I'm still on 10.7.3.


I get 35.72 FPS in CB11.5


my device id is 0x05e3

Edited by Alessandro17
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