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I would like to test Mountain Lion DP3, the boot gone fine but after the language setting, this message appears...


"This Mac OS 10.8 version can't be installed on this computer"


However the DP2 was ok. What can be the problem?


I made my volume installation as Phame, by restoring BaseSystem.dmg, add mach_kernel, the package folder etc...


I use Chameleon 1924 that i did installed directly on my volume installation, usely it work great like this.


I tested different smbios, IM12.2 and MP5.1 but no better results. I also tested to boot up from my existing installation but no way to succeed.


Really thank for help

I had to make a new Smbios.plist. It seems that they are checking the model number and the board id. In your volume installation, check this file against your Smbios.plist. Make sure your board id is from the list at the top and your model is from the list at the bottom. Spelling and capital letters count.


/Volumes/Mac OS X Base System/System/Library/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist

Great, I picked up an SMboardproduct for my iMac12.2 smbios.plist, and it work fine.




Also I wondering, when I use a MacPro smbios.plist, I have a kernel panic caused by AppleTyMCEDriver.kext.


Have you got any idea why I'm constrained to use an iMac's smbios.plist ?


This is not really a problem but I would prefer to use a MacPro.

Kext panicing is for time machine, but likley due to a power management issue, you can delete for the time being, just make a backup. if you still are using nullcpupowermanagement this could be the cause, or vice versa, not having it is causing kp. However rather than do any of that, you should use imac smbios, it more closely matches your hardware, no sandy bridge mac pro has ever been released, by using it's smbios you are crippling your native power management/speed step and should have better performance with imac. If you want MacPro icon vs imac in side bar, about this mac, finder's networking ,etc., you can customize it seperatly. I use my profile pic, but changing to mac pro is even easier.

I do not use NullCPM.kext but an AICPM.kext patched with a perl script.


But if as you said my performance should be lower with an MacPro smbios I will keep my iMac12.2.


The performances are more important than cosmetic.



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