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this is my system :

M.B:Gigabyte G41MT-S2P Rev.1.3

GPU:Ati His 4670 HD 1GB

CPU:Intel Core2Duo E7500 @2.93 GHZ

I Can Boot Correctly Only On Safe Mode (With -x)

But If I Dont Use Safe Mode I Had A Loading Circle For 3-4 Seconds Then Empty Gray Screen And Nothing Happens!

I Tried To Boot With Safe Mode And Installed m u l t i b e a s t Then Rebooted And The Same Problem Is Happening

And How Can I See My NTFS Partitions On My Mac

Please Help

And Thank You


Tried to install m u l t i b e a s t again

and now it gives me kernel panic

but boots successfully with -x :(

Please Help

My recommendation: do not use [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url]. That is a tool that only causes problems. Rather, reinstall using the all in one solution OSx86 ModCD - a guide is in my signature. :)

i tried the method in your sig.

it is the same problem !

i can only boot with safe mode (-x) !

without it i have a apple logo and loading circle then empty gray screen!


P.S:i installed without mach_kernel command because it gave me a black x white screen after 5 minutes (My Cpu Is Core2Duo)


Please Help !

The Apple logo with spinning circle tells us nothing.


When faced with problems, ALWAYS boot with -v so that the text of the boot is visible. Report on what it says when it hangs - give the last few lines of text or a picture.


And you have to install some version of kernel or it will not boot. The kernel is the brain of the operation and without it the whole thing is brain dead.

those are the last lines :


Debugger Called <Panic>

Backtrace (CPU0), Frame : Return Address


(And 20 lines of codes like 0xfff and these things)

Backtrace Continuos

BSDProcess name Corresponding to current thread :kextd

MAC OS Version:


Kernel Version :

Darwin Kernel Version :10,0,0

System Model Name :


System uptime in nanoseconds = 17235756197




I hope it can be fixed ;)


ModCD would have helped you with your kernel. I believe with your processor, you would have chosen a vanilla kernel.


how to select it ?

(Sorry Iam new to all this :( )


And this is a video http://youtu.be/3Jg_rth8ATY

The splash screen of ModCD says that in order to use the vanilla kernel, you type "mach_kernel" (without the quotes). Since you didn't do this, I think you have a legacy kernel which is the default kernel.


You said it gave you a black and white screen after 5 minutes. This isn't necessarily the fault of the kernel and I don't truly understand when and where it turned black and white. Were the graphics black and white? Or just black and white text? Or black and white splotches?

But that isn't necessarily the kernel that did that. The screen "mess" probably happened when the drivers for video kicked in. Should try again and type: -v -x mach_kernel


The -v gives you white text on a black screen. That is intentional so that you can read any errors. The -x among other things will turn off the video drivers. And mach_kernel will force it to install with the vanilla kernel.

those are the last lines :


Debugger Called <Panic>

Backtrace (CPU0), Frame : Return Address


(And 20 lines of codes like 0xfff and these things)

Backtrace Continuos

BSDProcess name Corresponding to current thread :kextd

MAC OS Version:


Kernel Version :

Darwin Kernel Version :10,0,0

System Model Name :


System uptime in nanoseconds = 17235756197




I hope it can be fixed ;)




how to select it ?

(Sorry Iam new to all this :( )


And this is a video http://youtu.be/3Jg_rth8ATY


This is for your graphics kexts, try this: end this boot flag


x -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000 UseKernelCache=No USBFix=Yes Cpus=1 darkwake=0 PciRoot=0

boot whit -s


mount /

mkdir /KextOff/

cd /

cd /System/Library/Extensions

mv ATI*kext /KextOff

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

cd /

shutdown -r now


Good luck!!! :wink2:

But that isn't necessarily the kernel that did that. The screen "mess" probably happened when the drivers for video kicked in. Should try again and type: -v -x mach_kernel


The -v gives you white text on a black screen. That is intentional so that you can read any errors. The -x among other things will turn off the video drivers. And mach_kernel will force it to install with the vanilla kernel.

Booted Successfully But In Safe Mode

And Thats The Problem!

I Can Only Boot On Safe Mode ! :(

This is for your graphics kexts, try this: end this boot flag



x -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000 UseKernelCache=No USBFix=Yes Cpus=1 darkwake=0 PciRoot=0

boot whit -s


mount /

mkdir /KextOff/

cd /

cd /System/Library/Extensions

mv ATI*kext /KextOff

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

cd /

shutdown -r now


Good luck!!! :wink2:

Ok I Will Try

Thanks ;)

This is for your graphics kexts, try this: end this boot flag



x -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000 UseKernelCache=No USBFix=Yes Cpus=1 darkwake=0 PciRoot=0

boot whit -s


mount /

mkdir /KextOff/

cd /

cd /System/Library/Extensions

mv ATI*kext /KextOff

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

cd /

shutdown -r now


Good luck!!! :wink2:

After Doing The Red Part

Then Booting Without Any Flags

The Loading Circle Keeps Spinning Forever And Nothing Happend

And When I Tried With -v The Last Lines Were :


SystemShutdown False

disk1: ioctl(_Iowr, 'd',lol,24) is unsupported

Waiting For DSMOS ...


And It Stays Forever

But this just means you need to work on your graphics so you don't have to boot in safe mode anymore.


What Should I Do ?

Thank You Very Much For Your Help

And Sorry For Disturbing

Well, there were errors in the red text, so you shouldn't have done that. Booting -x does essentially the same thing but leaves the drivers in place so you can work on them.


Since I can't verify what you actually did when you typed the red text, I think you are set up to reinstall.

I Found This

ATI Radeon 4670 kexts set for DVI-out

But It Says That Its For DVI-Out

But Iam Using VGA-Out (Because My Monitor Is A Bit Old)

Will This Kext Work For Me?


And I Found This

[GUIDE] ATI Radeon HD46X0

But I Cant Understand :D

Can You Please Explain It More Simply :)

And I Found This [GUIDE] ATI Radeon HD46X0 But I Cant Understand :D Can You Please Explain It More Simply :)

I can try, but it will take a lot of writing and hand-holding. Not sure I have that much time.


The first thing to do is to look in the file /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist or /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist for something that says:



Indeed it is a graphics driver issue. The legacy kernel automatically blacklists (does not load) the graphics drivers, so that's why w/out mach_kernel works/ safe mode works. See if you can find the alternate ATi frame buffer around on the forum.


rlf, even if he uses the legacy kernel, it will still install the mach_kernel because the patching script detects a supported CPU. So he would boot with legacy but install mach. And, no, you can't really select the legacy kernel in the installer because the one it installs does not blacklist the graphics drivers.


Sameh, I'll "translate" a solution for you. :)

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