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I've tried the following kexts without success: VoodooPS2Controller, a combination of ApplePS2Controller with AppleACPIPS2Nub, and another one I can't recall.


My PC:


Intel Q6600


I am running Lion 10.7.3 (Retail [app]).

I think it's running at 64 bit because 99% of the processes on Activity Monitor say 'Intel (64 bit)'.


Let me know if you have a suggestion on getting the keyboard to work. BTW, my mouse is a USB.

PS2 is a pretty basic interface, drivers don't usually go wrong for it.

For what its work check the keyboard is defo working.

I wonder if you need to include your device id's in the info.plist for a ps2 kext (read round and you'll find out how). Could be worth a shot...

The keyboard is working. I am using it right now with a PS2 to USB adapter, but I need to get rid of the adapter and connect the keyboard directly to the PS2 input. Also, VoodooPS2Controller works on SL 10.6.8, which I have installed in another partition. I did not have to configure it at all, not even to repair permissions. No idea why it doesn't work on Lion.


And please elaborate about info.plist. I don't know what that is.

Don't worry about info.plist, PS2 keyboards and mice don't need any fiddling with device IDs anywhere. The OS X PS2 drivers are generic and should work for any device that use the PS2 interface.


I don't know why it's not working for you, I've never used PS2 devices on a Hackintosh.

Providing you find the right ps2 kexts, your kb should work right into ML because I have a ps/2 kb connected to a ML installation and it works fine.


Just check http://www.osx86.net/ for the proper kexts or with a little google search you'll find the right ones. I'm not near my ML drive to copy the kexts for you but you're sure to find them on osx because that's where I originally got them.

I've tried at least 3 different PS2 kexts, including ones that should also enable Trackpad use. All of them I grabbed from the OSX86.net database, and they also were said to work on Lion by commenters, but for some they did not work. Please send me your kext files when you have access to them.


Update: I've reinstalled 10.7.3 and the kexts on ###### 4.3.1 work. My PS2 keyboard is working.

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