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Hello all, im excited to say i have scored myself an invite to a hiring event. but what is it? is it an actual interview, has anyone been to one here? any tips for me, this is my first ever interview and i know i will just get really excited and start blurting out all my words at once, shall i imagine there naked lol.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, i was going to tell you how my cover letter alone got me this far, and how you should approach it way differently! but i gues you dont want a job, to buy food toys and a puppy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

apple staf do not need food they run on sunshine and happiness, i unfortunately do not, so i didnt get the job, i think it was because i am still at university. they said that there where more qualified applicants, but i think i came across a bit strong... i told the hiring guy that asked the question, so how do we get are staff to be so happy, "you dont, its part of the selective hiring process" perhaps i should have just not said anything.


the most anoying part was that i have never wanted a job so badly, i feel i would take to apple store like a duck to jello. it would be a wobbly start but after that it would be really fun and taste like strawberry.


see what im like, i come up with tons of great ideas and some are mad but some are good, i would have thought i was just what apple wanted. of course i have no retail experience and a tendency to be a bit bigheaded in interview situations.


maybe i am more suited to pc world/currys? but what i really want to do, is to be a graphic designer, a real one not a, i have a fake company called acro design and i dont make any money but i do get payed in compliments :P

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see thats what i thought, i have an idea for a product that is perfect for this moment in time, it really is a logical progression from an existing technology and there is now a need for it. i just do not know where to start developing and patients

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